Page 45 - MNU PM502 Ph. Micreo practical
P. 45

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                  Repeat this step to prepare different concentrations of the phenol (4.5%, 4% and


                  2- Preparation of the reaction mixture: to the prepared dilutions transfer 2.5 ml

                  of  the  inoculated  yeast  suspension  at  zero  time  to  all  dilutions  at  30  seconds

                  interval, then make the four reaction mixtures stand for 30 minutes.

                  3- Making subcultures from the reaction mixture: Mark the nutrient broth tubes

                  with the glass pencil as (5%, 4.5%, 4% and 3.6%), then take one loopfull from each

                  reaction mixture and inoculate it to the corresponding nutrient broth tube at 30

                  seconds interval.

                  4- Incubate the nutrient broth tubes at 37° C for 24hrs and determine the growth.

                  5-  Repeat  the  same  steps  for  the  tested  disinfectant  (Preparation  of  different

                  dilutions 2%, 1.8%, 1.6% and 1.4% then preparation of reaction mixtures, making

                  subcultures and incubation).

                  6- Record Pc and Tc. Then you can calculate Chick – Martin (C.M.) coefficient.

                  Calculation of the coefficient:

                  C.M. coefficient = Lowest conc of phenol that kill M.O (Pc) / Lowest conc of test

                                         disinfectant that kill M.O (Tc)

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