Page 95 - MNU PM502 Ph. Micreo practical
P. 95

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                  Antibiotic dilution chart for agar dilution method

                 •  Adjust if a different concentration range is needed.

                 •  Label agar flasks and petri dishes with the final antibiotic concentration

                 •  With an automatic pipette dispense appropriate amounts of antibiotic solution

                     to the corresponding agar flask.

                 •  mix well (avoid bubbles) and pour the 25 ml into a petri dish labeled with the

                     respective antibiotic concentration

                 •  pour a control agar plate without any antibiotic. allow agar to solidify.

                 •  Dry the surface of the agar plates either in an incubator or in a laminar air flow

                     hood for 30 min.

                 •  Mark the bottom of the agar plates to define an orientation.

                 •  Mix the bacterial suspension, adjusted to 0.5 MacFarland   for each isolate.

                 •  The inocula can be transferred to the agar plates using a 48-pin replicator (1µl

                     per spot) or by multichannel pipette.

                 •  Make sure that each agar plate has the same orientation while inoculating and

                     to make a note of the orientation so that spots on the agar plate can be assigned

                     to the respective isolate tested.

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