Page 98 - MNU PM502 Ph. Micreo practical
P. 98

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                                                          LAB 9

                              Assay of Antibiotic by agar diffusion method

                  Aim of the work:

                  To determine the relative potency of a test antibiotic compared to a standard one.


                  • 2 empty sterile test tubes

                  • Test tube (S) containing 4 ml of standard antibiotic

                  • Test tube (T) containing 4 ml of test antibiotic

                  • Flask containing 50 ml of melted nutrient agar.

                  • Test tube containing sterile water or saline

                  • 2 pipettes 5 ml & 1 pipette 1ml

                  • 2 sterile Petri dishes

                  • 2 sterile Pasteur pipettes

                  • Loop

                  • Wasserman tube containing test microorganism


                  I- Preparation of Antibiotics’ Dilutions: (2-fold serial dilution of the standard

                  & the test antibiotic)

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