Page 11 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 11

Mansoura National University
                                              Faculty of Pharmacy
                                      Pharm D-Clinical Pharmacy Program
                                          Microbiology & Immunology

          9- Matrix.2 course content, teaching and learning methods, assessment methods:
                                                                                              methods of
                                                         methods of learning

                                                 Computer-aided   learning: a&b   Practical sessions   Self-learning   Project-based   learning   Demos   Course work    Assignments   Practical   examination and   tutorial    Periodical Mid-  term exam   Written Exam   Oral
         No.              Topic

               Microbial control - physical                                                     
          1    methods part1                                                                               

               Microbial control – physical                                                      
          2    methods part2                                                                              
               Biosafety cabinet
               Microbial control – chemical                                                     
          3    methods (Disinfectants, antiseptics)                                                        

          4    Microbiological contamination,                                                            

               Microbiological Quality Control of
          5    pharmaceutical products.                                                                    
               Classification of Antimicrobials,
               bases of selection for treatment in
          6                                                                                                
               different diseases
               Antibiotics part 1 (penicillins)
               Antibiotics part 2 (cephalosporins,
          7    monobactams, carbapenems, others)                                                           
               protein synthesis inhibitors

               Antibiotics part 3(nucleic synthesis
          8    inhibitors, others)                                                                         
               Antibiotic resistance, antibiotics
          9    misuse.                                                                                    
               Recent Advances in Strategies to
               Combat Bacterial Drug Resistance

          10   Antiviral agents                                                                            

          11   Antifungal agents                                                                           

               Microbiological evaluation of
          12   antiseptics, disinfectants                                                                  

          13   Microbiological evaluation of                                                               

               Antimicrobial combinations and
          14   their evaluation                                                                            
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16