Page 128 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 128

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                              a single mechanism confers resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents

                              Multiple drug resistance (MDR):
                              antimicrobial resistance shown by a species of microorganism to at least

                              one antimicrobial drug in three or more antimicrobial categories.

                    Mechanisms of Resistance

                 1. Modification of the drug: Production of enzyme that destroys or deactivates drug

                 2. Alteration of the target: Alter target of drug so it binds less effectively

                 3. Reduced cellular uptake: Slow or prevent entry of drug into the cell

                 4. Increased efflux: Pump antimicrobial drug out of the cell before it can act

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