Page 39 - Holly Carney Issue (3)
P. 39

I asked what this experience means to her now. Her reply,   ing and the strength of these special moments. These are
           “Well, Mary, I was always an adventurer. I was open to expe-  the moments that helped to transform your life.
           riences that most people do not have. I was able to take one
           day at a time and live in the moment. And although it was   Welcome summer with open arms! There are more
           not easy travelling around the world with basically no money    incredible moments ahead.
           and not knowing what was next, I knew everything would
                              2008 SD Woman  4/28/08  3:52 PM  Page 1
           work out. And today at ‘my age’, I must remember that life is
           still an adventure for me and things will work out.”

           In order for this woman to
           find her special moment, I
           used Coaching techniques
           to help her. I asked her            A woman owned business...
           to close her eyes, go into
           her memories and think of
           a time, or several times,
           when time seemed to stop
           and when she was com-
           pletely in the present mo-
           ment; a time that changed
           her forever.

           In Coaching, these mo-       for COMPETITIVE PRICING
           ments are called “times
           of ecstatic engagement”.     and the PRODUCT YOU NEED
           They are the very special
           moments or experiences
           that occur at random         with the SERVICE YOU DESERVE!
           times, yet remain for a
           lifetime.  They are the
           moments that help you get
           in touch with (and under-                                 • Brochures              • Stationery
           stand) yourself at a level                                                                                      San Diego
           that goes deeper than just                                                                                        Woman
           words. They help you get                                  • Direct Mail            • Booklets
           in touch with such things
           as inner peace, power and                                 • Office Forms • Folders
           strength – the qualities                                                                                      39
           that lay the foundation for
           the life and career choices                               • Newsletters            • Posters
           you make. They change
           your life.
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           The big question about
           these moments is this,                                    • Door Hangers • Rack Cards
           “What do these special
           moments tell you about
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           During these San Diego
           summer months, take
           time to reflect on your                                  858-566-0866
           special moments and think
           about why these experi-                        
           ences are so meaningful
           for you. Write down their                                  Offering quality & reliability since 1980
           meaning(s) and post them
           on the bathroom mirror,
           put them on the refrigera-       (Near Hwy. 15 & Miramar Rd.)  Fax 858-566-0436
           tor or inside your car so         9880 Via Pasar, Suite C  •  San Diego, CA 92126
           each day you can connect
           with the power, the mean-
                                                           July/August 2008
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