Page 46 - Holly Carney Issue (3)
P. 46
That wasn’t the case. Instead , Women of Distinction All chemicals, lighting and heating
the CEO, Mr. Frankie, called Toni for the restaurant are environmen-
over and said; “I have someone tally sound and they even save
I’d like you to meet.” In the excite- water by not putting any out on the
ment of the moment Toni extended her hand, grizzle and all, table, unless specifically requested by their customers. It
and shook Lee Iacocca’s hand. He looked down and said is more expensive to be ’Green,’ but in Toni’s opinion well
“Oh…” and ended up being gracious about the event. “Over worth the cost to do her part in helping to protect our natural
the years I have run into him often…but he has been careful resources. The menu at Café Merlot is a healthy fare, with
not to shake my hand ever since that occured." no breaded or fried items on their menu. They hand trim
Café Merlot is Toni’s baby and she takes great pride in its their meat and everything except the bread is created from
ownership. It is nestled away in a beautiful corner of the scratch on the premises. They even offer cooking classes
Bernardo Winery in Rancho Bernardo California. It is open the second and last Tuesday of every month.
Tuesday through Sunday for breakfast and lunch only. They When Toni is asked how she feels about running a restau-
are also known for the wonderful offsite catering they do for rant. She explains, “It’s been like a roller coaster ride.You
local companies and events. know how you go on a ride and you get that feeling in the
Café Merlot is currently in the process of becoming certified pit of your stomach. I get it on a daily basis, but I love it and
’Green’ from the California Green Restaurant Association. wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Amanda McPhail
The View From The Top
The top floor of the Diamond View Towers provides a spec- that she too could create such a company. So she took con-
tacular view. One side overlooks Petco Park , and the other trol and started her own firm, “Creative Affairs by Amanda.” At
provides a view of the entire skyline of San Diego. It is truly first it was a challenge; she was only 26 and found that it was
a view to behold. Amanda McPhail is lucky enough to call difficult for people to take her seriously. She started working
this her oasis. High above the ball park, Amanda helps cre- with smaller companies as well as planning weddings to build
ate wonderful events using one of the greatest venues in San her business. Amanda thanks her hometown of Coronado
Diego. for pushing her business to the next level. “Everyone in this
town has taken me under their wing and I would not be who
46 Amanda, a I am today or where
special events I am today without
consultant, is each and every one
the coordinator of them.”
for all functions One of the most
at this facility in exciting experiences
San Diego. She took place after
has held this po- Amanda’s business
sition for the past really started to grow.
year and still “I got a phone call
finds it hard to from one of the man-
believe that she agers of The Dia-
has been given mond View Towers.
this opportunity. A few mutual ac-
quaintances had rec-
Amanda was ommended me to the
born in North management. They
Carolina and were looking to hire
moved to Coro- an event coordina-
nado with her tor for The Ultimate
family as a child. Skybox. I was asked
She began work to come in for an
in the service in- interview.” Amanda
dustry at the age went on the interview
of 14 at Peohe’s and won them over.
Restaurant in Coronado. She bused tables and worked as a Being her own boss had major appeal to Amanda, but this
hostess. She continued working in restaurants to help sup- was an opportunity that she just couldn’t turn down. “It was
port herself through school. During school she started work- a win win situation for both of us. I could plan the events at
ing for a prominent wedding consultant who was based out of Diamond View and still maintain my own business, Creative
Coronado. It was this experience that led her to an important Affairs. They liked the idea and so did I. So that’s how I
decision - one that would change her life. Amanda realized came to my position.”
July/August 2008