Page 50 - Holly Carney Issue (3)
P. 50

The Quick Lift

        It is one thing for a doctor to tell you how wonderful a proce-  anesthesia as an outpatient procedure.  For those of us who
        dure is, but nothing reassures a patient more than knowing   fear anesthesia this is a very inviting benefit of the quick lift.
        that their doctor performed the same procedure on his own   There is an anesthesiologist on site to relax the patient and
        Mom.  I have to admit, that is a particularly brave move,   to administer the local anesthesia to numb the area for sur-
        because                                                                                           gery, but you
        we all know                                                                                       do not have
        how “Moms”                                                                                        to be put
        can be.  Dr.                                                                                      under for this
        Chasan‘s                                                                                          1 ½ hour long
        Mom was                                                                                           procedure.
        extremely                                                                                         A traditional
        happy with                                                                                        facelift will
        the results,                                                                                      generally
        as have                                                                                           last for 8-10
        been all of                                                                                       years, so the
        the patients                                                                                      quick lift is a
        who expe-                                                                                         helpful tool
        rienced this                                                                                      to those who
        new proce-                                                                                        have had a
        dure: The                                                                                         face lift and
        Quick Lift.                                                                                       are coming
        The quick                                                                                         up on the
        lift is a mini                                                                                    time for a
    50  face lift for                                                                                     second lift.
                                                                                                          Instead of
        patients who
        are looking                                                                                       going through
        for facial                                                                                        the entire
        rejuvenation                                                                                      procedure( if
        but don’t                                                                                         there is not
        quite need a full face lift.                                                        too much lower face work
        The typical patient is in                                                           needed) the same results can
        their late forties or early                                                         be obtained with a quick lift.
        fifties with minimal work                                                           But how long will the quick
        needed on the lower                                                                 lift last?  Generally 6-8 years,
        face; specifically the                                                              so it is a great choice with
        neck and jowls.  If this                                                            long lasting results, a less
        is the case the quick lift                                                          radical surgery, and quicker
        is a much better option                                                             recuperation time.  If you are
        than a traditional face                                                             considering a face lift have a
        lift. The cost for this                                                             consultation before making
        procedure is about 2/3                                                              that decision.  As Dr. Chasan
        the price of a full face                                                            says, “Our evaluation proce-
        life and it takes half as                                                           dure is imperative to deter-
        long. The recuperation                                                              mine whether a quick lift or
        period is half the time                                                             a full face lift is necessary.  It
        of a traditional face lift.                                                         is a judgment call which has
        The results are truly                                                               much to do with the quality of
        amazing as evidenced                                                                the patient’s skin, the amount
        by the pictures displayed.  My question to Dr. Chasan was   of neck and jowl work needed, and the results that the
        how soon after the procedure would you feel like going out   patient hopes to obtain.”  Currently the amount of quick lifts
        and partying.   Dr. Chasan explained, “ In a traditional facelift   versus full face lifts is about 50/50.  The procedure, though
        I tell my patients that they will feel better in one week and   relatively new, is taking the country by storm and is truly a
        look better in two.  With a quick lift you feel good in three   way to refresh without looking like you had major work done.
        days and look good in five days. “One of the other huge   For more information on the quick lift visit Dr Chasan’s web-
        benefits of the quick lift is that it can be done under local   site at
                                                         July/August 2008
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