Page 47 - Holly Carney Issue (3)
P. 47
Amanda loves her job and the contacts. You never know who you
freedom it gives her to dedicate to Women of Distinction will meet.”
various charities. One of her favorite
charities is Camp Wamp, a summer Amanda’s career has recently
camp for disabled children. Amanda taken her to some exotic locations:
is also involved with the Coronado Schools Foundation, The She just returned from a ‘destination wedding’ that she
Coronado Chamber of Commerce, and the Children’s Heri- planned in Tahiti and will be traveling to New York City work-
tage Foundation, just to name a few. Amanda loves hosting ing a corporate product launch.
events that help raise money for these, and other important
charities and non-profits. Amanda and her husband, Chris, have been together for ten
years. They both own their own businesses and this makes
Amanda’s schedule is a hectic one: She currently has 90 for some hectic schedules. Even though time together is
events in the planning stages. I asked her how she man- tough to come by, it is obvious that they have managed to
ages to keep so many events straight. She admits that it make it work for them. Amanda brags about her husband,
isn’t always easy, but she has some help in the actual execu- “My husband Chris is the best guy and I don’t know what
tion of the events. The key is having a system. Amanda, I would do without him”. He recently accompanied her to
San Diego Woman
however, is involved in every event from start to finish. It is the destination wedding in Tahiti where they made a pact to
obvious that she is a bit of a perfectionist and closely plans leave their cell phones behind.
every element of the events she manages. It is as common
to find Amanda greeting guests as it is to see her sweeping Although Amanda adores Chris she proudly states that she
up. As Amanda states, “Every piece of the puzzle is impor- has always prided herself on being financially independent
tant in making an event run flawlessly. This includes every- and believes that all women need to be. Amanda knew at an
thing from the event planning, to the servers, to how well the early age that she would not depend on a single sole at any
kitchen staff is performing. If the floor needs to be scrubbed, point in her life. She also believes that Education is essen-
I will scrub it. No one is too good to do anything that needs tial. “Even if you are not working within your field of study,
to be done. It takes a team to run an event and if everyone education is so important. It is something that no one can
is not on board then it can be very obvious.” ever take away from you.”
One of the factors that Amanda notes as a key to success Once you have spent time with Amanda it is evident that
in her business is her extensive service background. “I think she is an amazing young lady with a passion for giving back
everyone should work in a restaurant at some point in their to her community and providing each and every client with
life. As a waitress you are walking up to a group of strang- a positive experience while in her care. As Amanda stands
ers every 30 minutes or so. You learn to be outgoing and on the balcony of the Diamond View Towers overlooking the
friendly. It teaches you team work, which is extremely im- City of San Diego she can’t help but be thankful for her view
portant in any future career. You also make some incredible from the top.
July/August 2008