Page 21 - Expert Issue 2015 (2)
P. 21
KNoodleIt Cathy Geddes:
the one stop spot for your quality Why You Should
service provider search!
Photo courtesy of Shannon Matwiyoff Choose Dental
Photo courtesy of Cathy Geddes
Years ago when tooth replacement became a necessity the options
were few. Most likely you would be forced to deal with the only
option available, dentures. These were rarely comfortable; they felt
unnatural, unstable and unreliable. In addition, you will likely need
creams and adhesives to keep them secure and, over time, they will
become unstable and unreliable and eventually you will need to have
them remade or relined.
Luckily, we now have another option, Dental Implants. Although they
are more expensive than traditional dentures, the added expense
is well worth it since this is an investment that can last a lifetime. In
general, Dental Implants also help preserve bone quality and quantity
and feel and function like natural teeth. Often when there is a loss of
bone quality the facial structure is compromised and it can make you
look like a totally different person: So all of these factors need to be
considered when trying to decide which dental procedure should be
Cathy Geddes, CDA, is a credentialed Certified Dental Assistant
graduating from George Brown College, Toronto, Canada. Her 30
years of experience in the dental profession includes assisting in
general dentistry, endodontics and periodontics. In 1991 Cathy be-
came a sales representative for Dentsply Canada, first in Toronto and
KNoodleIt takes the guesswork and the risk out of choosing the later in Vancouver, finally transferring to San Diego, California. In San Diego
perfect Providers for your home, event, leisure and technology needs. 2005 Cathy decided to focus her career in the growth area of implant Woman
KNoodleIt was launched in September 2012 by Shannon Matwiyoff, dentistry and became a Territory Manager in sales for Straumann
a mother of two who had been working with a major fortune 100 com- USA, a world leader in dental implant technology. Cathy’s ability to
pany for the past 20 years. As a busy mom, she never found the time work in a multidisciplinary environment made her a natural choice to
to research and screen providers for home or other important projects. train, assist and problem solve with the dental teams in her territory. 21
She thought “there has to be a better process than just reading re- In 2009, Cathy retired from her role with Straumann USA to spend
views”, and out of that KNoodleIt was born. more time with her family. She now lectures, sharing her passion to
KNoodleIt is a one-stop spot for busy consumers to look for everything educate those involved in the advancing world of implant dentistry.
from contractors, handymen, travel agents, computer repair, and spe- In 2013 Cathy started her own consulting business called Geddes
cial event providers such as florists – to name a few. Members have Solutions. While working with many dental professionals in her ca-
access to KNoodleIt’s extensive pre-screened vendor list and the reer, Cathy saw a need to educate the dental team on how to answer
discounts they’ve negotiated. Not only can they complete projects patients’ top three questions on implants with confidence. Patients
with confidence, but KNoodleIt is also focused on saving members often have hidden concerns that they may not voice to the dental
money. Recently they’ve been canvassing bridal and home renovation team. Often patients are fearful of dentistry and having an implant is
shows in the San Diego area, their expansive offering of services can something new to them.
even help frazzled brides plan their dream wedding.
The site is also a resource for when those unexpected contractor Often patients are fearful of dentistry and having an implant is
issues arise. One member turned to KNoodleIt when, during construc- something new to them. When patients ask, “How painful is implant
tion on their outdoor living space project, their contractor left them treatment?”, the answer from a scientific study shows on a universal
with a half-finished project and a quickly approaching Labor Day party. pain scale rating of 0-10, treatment is rated at a 2 from various time
They were able to stay within their original budget and the contractor points during surgery and up to six weeks after treatment. Patients
was able to complete the job with plenty of time for the family to show are often surprised to hear the answer is a 2. When we provide sci-
off their newly renovated outdoor area. entific support rather than one person’s personal experience, we can
The KNoodleIt staff is headed by Shannon along with move forward with a decision for treatment based on facts. A dental
Amanda Slocumb who is her Vice President and handles market-
ing and PR and is a vital part of the operations side of the business. implant is a permanent dental treatment solution for a missing tooth,
Amanda has been an integral part of the business since the very whereas the choice of a bridge will require replacement in approxi-
beginning The team has worked together to assure that the KNoodleIt mately 15-years. Our goal is for patients to be fully informed so they
network is made up of trained professionals that are passionate about can make the best decision possible for their lifelong dental health.
providing consumers with a quality-based resource they can count on Cathy simplifies the implant process to increase case acceptance for
for finding the right provider. For those looking for a unique gift for the your dental practice. If your team is not comfortable answering ques-
holidays or birthdays, many members gift a KNoodleIt membership, tions, how can your patients be comfortable choosing an implant as a
they receive a customized card and when they are ready they activate treatment option?
the one-year membership and can begin completing projects with
ease. For Additional Information Contact Cathy Geddes at
To sign up for a membership visit: or 858-212-7338 or
email: or call (855) 256-6635.