Page 18 - Expert Issue 2015 (2)
P. 18
Adrienne Vanessa Lurie
This is for you
How to Break if you are a
the “Troubled woman in your
Family Barrier” 40’s, 50’s or
By Maile Rudebusch
Photo Lisa K Miller Photo by Lisa K Miller
Are you facing issues that plague your marriage, family and work? Are you tired of We have all heard the term empty nest syndrome, but we don’t
just putting a Band-Aid on these problems and never really solving them? realize what it is truly like until we face it ourselves. This is when
we often re-evaluate our lives because nothing is the same as it has
We asked Adrienne Blumberg who is referred to as “The Family Therapist Whis- been for the past 20-30 years of our lives.
perer,” how we can deal with solving some of these issues that plague our families. Perhaps your kids have left the nest, or you realize that you need to
Adrienne has established herself as a marriage and family therapist, specializing rebirth your marriage. For some women this is when they decide it
in families and tweens. “Yes, that in b’ TWEEN age that think they aren’t kids, but is time to finally pursue their ideal career or launch a new business.
want to be a teenager.” Drawing on over twenty years of “family” experience as a Maybe it is time to just commit to going to the gym three times a
successful educator and now family therapist, she is a family expert who under-
stands families, couples and children because when the going gets tough, the week and concentrate on getting the body you always wanted?
family is in turmoil and turmoil needs a solution to break the barrier. This time in life doesn’t have to be “empty” It can actually be a
wonderful new beginning.The transition to the next phase of your
Adrienne offered some valuable tips for dealing with a family in crisis: life can be a challenging time. Rather than fearing the future, you
can view this time as an opportunity to examine your life and decide
Tips for Families: how you want to live in bliss for the next fifty years.
1. Remember, you are the parent and not your child’s best friend. Your child, teen, This isn’t always easy to navigate on your own and many women
tween, needs boundaries. have found that they need some gentle guidance along the way.
2. You and your partner need to be unified so that your child can’t wedge their way This is where a Life Coach can come into play.
between you.
3. Open communication is paramount Through coaching you will:
4. Parents need to do what they say and say what they mean.
5. Couples need to listen to each other. We hear but not always listen. • Examine your thoughts and feelings. With no judgment. Just
6. Take Five: This applies to all family members: If emotions and behaviors start to curiosity.
18 escalate walk away and take five deep breaths and exhale slowly after each one.
This has proven to SLOW YOU DOWN
7. Do yoga, exercise, take walks, listen to music, meditate • Understand what that excess weight is trying to tell you.
Helping Families to take control of themselves and their children • Realize that you design the life you want. And that you can em-
brace your choices with grace and with ease.
Early on in Adrienne’s career she understood that tweens had challenging behav-
iors coupled with learning differences, which can become even more challenging Working with a Life Coach
when parents are struggling with marital issues. Coaching helps you recognize that your thoughts determine how
you experience the world – your thoughts drive how you feel and
In fact, in 1982, she opened the doors to the Village Learning Center, a private act, and not the other way around.
facility that she co-founded and directed in Toronto, Canada. This specialty niche Vanessa Lurie is a Certified Life Coach who specializes in this very
helped over 2,210 children over a 13 year period who were struggling with aca- unique transitional time of life. As your Coach, Vanessa will focus
demics, disenchanting behaviors and social issues. Adrienne deconstructed the on helping you understand the root cause of your problems, and
struggles that crippled many families. Recognizing that families matter, Adrienne’s guide you to make conscious choices to create the life you love. By
trajectory brought her to the field of Marriage and Family Therapy thus combining learning and applying a set of practical and research-based cogni-
her therapy and educational skills in order to help struggling families. The family tive tools, you can change the way you think about your life and the
therapist whisperer works collaboratively with the family to help everyone decon-
struct belligerent behaviors. people around you, and you can choose the future that you desire.
As your coach Vanessa’s main concern is how you are going to
Adrienne can give families tools that are needed to deal effectively with anxiety, move forward vs. how you got to where you are.
stress, attitude, ADHD, OCD, spectrum disorders, in addition to increasing self- Vanessa offers a free 30-minute consultation so that you can get a
worth, which results in recognizing a potential that would otherwise be unattain- feel for how this works.
Please contact:
Adrienne can also give parents coping tools and strategies that can bring peace to Vanessa Lurie, Certified Life Coach
the home through effective communication, a key component in any family. Adri- 858-395-8278
enne adds, “I can give you all the required skills necessary to remove the Band-Aid
and start to heal. If you are committed, I am committed to work with you individu-
ally, as a couple or as a family unit.”
For further information please contact Adrienne Blumberg, Marriage and
Family Therapist
Located in Del Mar and Carlsbad