Page 20 - Expert Issue 2015 (2)
P. 20


                                                               YOUR DIVORCE

                                                       By Carlie Headapohl, CDFA
     Photo Courtesy of Carlie Headapohl

     “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but   sionals charge for their time. Ask about retainer fees and closely
     you can decide not to be reduced by them.” - Maya Angelou …   read their contracts. Typically, lawyers charge in 1/10 of hour incre-
     nor your wallet in the case of divorce. In the United States, the av-  ments, which is 6 minutes at a time.  If you call your attorney when
     erage cost of a wedding is $28,000 and the average divorce costs   you are highly emotional, at $300-$500 per hour, every 6 minutes
     $15,000-$20,000 and can vary significantly.             of venting could cost you $30-$50!

     CONFLICT IS EXPENSIVE: First and foremost, conflict costs; the   Going into divorce emotionally strong, educated about the process
     more conflict, the more cost. Before meeting with attorneys, try to   and understanding your priorities will not only help reduce the
     work out the emotional, financial and non-legal issues outside of   financial costs of divorce, but the emotional costs as well.
     your attorney’s office. Remember, attorneys are not therapists or
     financial planners so try to take care of as much as you can with   Carlie Headapohl is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA)
     other qualified professionals. Their hourly rates tend to be lower   with a BS in Finance and Accounting from UC Berkeley.  For over
     than those of attorneys.                                25 years, Carlie has been involved in all aspects of corporate and
                                                             personal finance and specializes in helping high net worth clients
     KNOWLEDGE IS POWER: The other major factor in controlling   with complex asset portfolios.  She is dedicated to helping her
     the cost of divorce is to be prepared.  If you educate yourself on   divorce clients optimize their financial settlements by providing
     the divorce process through books, divorce workshops, divorce   thoughtful, thorough and objective financial analyses.
     coaches and other numerous resources throughout San Diego
     County, it will enable you to manage the process better. In particu-  Carlie brings her extensive experience developing common sense
     lar, learn about the various alternative dispute resolution methods   solutions for simple and complex financial situations. Her skills
     including mediation, collaborative divorce, cooperative divorce and   include budgeting, projections, asset tracing and valuation, tax
     pro se (do it yourself) divorce. These methods allow the divorcing   implications, real estate related transactions, financial planning,
     couple to retain more control and help reduce the emotional and   education and organization.  She prides herself on excellent client
     financial expenses of divorce.                          service through responsive communication and by distilling finan-
                                                             cial information into clear and concise financial analyses.
     GET ORGANIZED: Do not underestimate how important organi-
     zation is in the divorce process.  The process requires gathering   Carlie is an active member in the investment community through
     legal, financial and tax documents, and it can be overwhelming.   her affiliations with (Women’s Institute for Financial
     Consider hiring a CDFA (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) to   Education), Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts, Association
     help you gather all the necessary documents and the CDFA or   of Divorce Financial Planners, affiliate member of the San Diego
     other financial expert can more cost effectively help you analyze   Family Law Bar Association, and the Rancho Santa Fe Women’s
     and prepare the necessary financial disclosures.        Fund. She volunteers for Second Saturday Divorce Workshop for
                                                             Women and Third Saturday. You can learn more about Carlie on
     ASSEMBLE A GOOD TEAM: For many people going through     her website and LinkedIn profile.
     divorce, they and their children may experience some or all of the
     five stages of grief; it will likely be the largest financial transaction   Carlie offers a complimentary initial consultation and provides
     of their lives and divorce is a legal process.  The ideal team should   her services on an hourly fee basis.
     include a marriage and family therapist for spouses and children, a
     CDFA and legal advisor. Each situation is different, but assembling   Your Money Advocate
     a team of qualified professionals can dramatically improve your
     divorce process and the outcome.                        858-342-7756
     UNDERSTAND COSTS: The nuts and bolts of how to manage the
     divorce meter, is to understand how attorneys and other profes-
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