Page 14 - Expert Issue 2015 (2)
P. 14

Turning Back Time:

                             Dr. Tess Mauricio, MD

                        The Time Machine Procedure

                                         By Deeba Van Overberghe                Photos by Lisa K. Miller

                                                                Have you ever had a moment of low self-esteem?  Have
                                                                you suffered from flawed skin?  Did you ever think there
                                                                was a correlation between the two?  Dr. Tess Mauricio, MD
                                                                will tell you there is.  She is the founder of Scripps Ranch
                                                                Dermatology, later renamed My Beauty By Tess, with
                                                                multiple clinics in San Diego and Los Angeles. The creator
                                                                of new, non-invasive approaches, with specialized technol-
                                                                ogies, Dr. Tess can help people who have flawed skin feel
                                                                better about their appearance.  And because they are not
                                                                concerned about their appearance, their inner beauty has
                                                                a chance to radiate and come forward thereby supporting
                                                                better self-esteem and self-confidence.

                                                                This can be such a problem when we are young…and
                                                                then again as we age.  In my years as a teenager,
 14                                                             I suffered from a very bad case of oily skin and acne.  It
                                                                looked as if my cheeks were on fire.  I had been teased
                                                                and called Pizza Face in Junior High School.  It left me
                                                                with the damaging psychological scars of being self-con-
                                                                scious.  Little did my mother know, my skin was sensitive
                                                                to soaps, lotions and make-up.  To this day, I still do not
                                                                wear foundation of any kind and use the lightest moistur-
                                                                izers out there.  In the past I’ve been told that I don’t look
                                                                my age.  However, this is changing for me.  I have begun
                                                                to experience sagging skin from weight-loss, turkey neck
                                                                from aging and my cute smile lines and dimples are actu-
                                                                ally becoming frown lines and pits.  I can’t even begin to
                                                                think about how my eyebrows left my forehead and
                                                                traveled to my upper lip!

                                                                Often I have thought about body altering options, peels, fat
                                                                sucking and pummeling.  I’ve thought, no way, not for me.
                                                                I have seen what happens to a person ten to twenty years
                                                                down the road from a facelift after natural weight gain,
                                                                and I have always known it is a temporary solution to the
                                                                inevitable tic-tock of life’s clock.  I have believed I should
                                                                embrace age with confidence allowing nature to take its
                                                                course.  That is, until recently.  I have just learned about
                                                                the miracles Dr. Tess is offering her patients and how she
                                                                can literally turn back the clock of time in regard to the
                                                                condition of our skin.
                                                                Dr. Tess is an amazing human being.  She, too, suffered
                                                                from flaws in her skin.  Her personal experiences were
                                                                a driving force behind her understanding the correlation
                                                                between self-esteem and the condition of one’s skin.  Our
                                                                faces are what we use to make an impression, to com-
                                                                municate, to express thoughts, feelings and desires and
                                                                when our skin isn’t the greatest, it can present a barrier for
                                                                acceptance either by ourselves, or by others.
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