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Get Fit and Have Fun the Kendra Way!

     business can tell you what Sara is all about. She didn’t start
     the business to perfect the skills of pole dancers, but rather
     empower and educate women on the benefits of pole fitness.
     Sara uses Sexy Silhouettes to show women that seeing
     positive change in oneself can keep their spirit and passion
     Passion is exactly what’s driven Sarabeth to change the lives
     of so many San Diego women. It may seem like just another
 40 fitness craze to outsiders, but once you step foot into the
     studio you know that it is so much more. Sexy Silhouettes by
     Sara has given me a new view on fitness and myself. From
     my experience, I can tell you that it is actually possible to en-
     joy working out and to feel empowered by the process. For     If you’re thinking that you’re not quite ready to join a class
     anyone looking to improve their body and self-image, forgo    on pole fitness, or want to really commit to the craft, an
     the gym or monotonous time on the treadmill and give Sexy     at-home pole is a must. X-Pole USA is the world leader in
     Silhouettes a try.                                            pole technology with multiple levels of pole fitness prod-
     Beginner Classes:                                             ucts available, from beginner to expert. X-Pole USA is the
     Introduction to Pole Fitness: The perfect introduction to pole fitness.   makers behind the Kendra Wilkinson Sport Pole. Kendra
     Similar to the first week of a Level 1 pole fitness class, you will learn   Wilkinson, the Playboy model and Girl Next Door star,
     what a fun and fantastic workout pole fitness is. Prepare to become   wanted to bring her favorite exercise routine to the masses
     addicted!                                                     and that’s where X-Pole stepped in. X-Pole brought their
     Pole Level 1- “Flirting”: Starting from the ground up, by moving   technological advances to the forefront when designing
     with your new dance partner, ‘the pole', you will learn 20 beginner   the Kendra Sport Pole. The Kendra pole is the perfect
     pole, dance, and floor moves. You will also learn how to incorpo-  purchase for beginners and experienced dancers alike due
     rate these moves, which tighten and tone your body, into your first   to its affordable price point, easy set-up and removal, ex-
     routine.                                                      pandable length, and portable design. The exclusive Ken-
     Pole Level 2- “Temptress”: Perfects what you learned in level one,   dra Wilkinson Sport Pole is a stationary  (non-spinning),
     and lift off - performing moves with an element of challenge. Get   bottom-loading professional grade dance pole that features
     to know your body and learn an additional 10 pole, dance, and   the new revolutionary X-Joint technology. With its unique
     floor moves, which will produce another beautifully choreographed   adjuster system, you can expand and fully lock the pole in
     routine.                                                      position without ever leaving the ground!
     Lap Dance “Teaser”: Learn the art of grace and sensual movement   After personally testing this product, I can tell you that it is
     through the foundation of exotic dancing. Here, you will learn the   one of the most accessible exercise poles on the market. It
     hottest hip rotations, isolations, body waves, and booty shaking   requires no ceiling fixture for set-up and while it may take
     movements, and of course, the notorious strip tease! You will be   a few moments to put everything together, the instruction
     able to incorporate these empowering moves against a wall, on a   manual is filled with easy-to-follow images and step-by-
     chair, on the floor, and of course, in your partner's lap! Learn how to   step instructions. When ordering through Kendra’s X-Pole
     move like the Experts and flirt with your Eyes, Lips, and Hips. You   sponsored website, you will be given a fantastic deal.
     will tighten, tone, and strengthen your physique, build your confi-  Along with the pole and extension joints (to fit ceilings up to
     dence, and become one with your sexy side!                    8’ 10”), you will receive a custom Kendra Wilkinson Sport
     *For more advanced classes, and to see a full list of courses of-  bag to transport your pole.
     fered, visit www.
                                                  September/October 2010
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