Page 42 - Megan Reichman
P. 42

Timeless Beauty

                                                           By Judith A. Habert
                                                        Photos by Lisa K Miller

    The list of awards and accomplishments that Dianne York   she opened “Spa
    Goldman has received are almost too many to mention,     MD,”  a favorite
    When you consider that she has written four books, held a   spa in the wealthy
    leading role on a reality TV show, owned two  spas, trav-  town of La Jolla.
    eled around the world as a model and created an amazing   As a medical
    mineral makeup line,  you have to ask how one woman could   spa they offered
    accomplish so much.  After spending some time with her, it   both medical
    becomes obvious that nothing can stop her.               procedures and
    Born and raised in St. Louis Missouri, and earning a degree   a unique array of
    in Economics from the University of Missouri in Colombia,   spa services.  As
    Dianne was ready to make a move from her home town.      expected, Dianne
    Feeling like a big fish in a small pond, she decided to venture   made this busi-
    out into the world.  Modeling offered her this opportunity,   ness into another
    and before long she found herself traveling the world as a   huge success,
    much sought after model.  Her agency in Chicago directed   winning best spa in the country for four years in a row.
    her to move from home and take up residency in either    Always looking for her next challenge in life, Dianne had
    New York or Los Angeles.  Wanting to be surrounded by the   decided to tackle another industry which she felt was in dire
    ocean and her beloved                                                          need of improvement.   As a former
    palm trees, she opted                                                          model and spa owner, Dianne was
    to make the move to                                                            well aware of a huge problem with
    LA in 1988.  Once the                                                          the makeup industry.  Although
    move was made, she not                                                         much of the makeup she wore as a
    only found herself busy                                                        model looked great in photographs,
 42 with a lucrative model-                                                        it was often too heavy for everyday
    ing career, but soon                                                           use.  It also contained ingredients
    began acting on TV and                                                         which were not good for the skin
    in movies.  Along with                                                         and therefore had long term nega-
    her modeling and acting                                                        tive effects for its users.  Her mis-
    career she also became                                                         sion was to create a makeup that
    a well known author and                                                        when applied still allowed you to
    beauty writer, traveling                                                       see the beauty behind the makeup
    yet again to promote her                                                       and not mask it.  Dianne’s goal
    books.  With guest shots                                                       was to create a healthy mineral
    on TV and Radio shows,                                                         makeup that allowed a women’s
    she soon became a                                                              beauty to shine through.  It took 9
    household name in the                                                          long years of working with the best
    beauty industry.                                                               labs in the country, but in 2006
    As time passed Dianne                                                          Dianne launched DYG Cosmetics, a
    felt she needed to move                                                        beautiful line of triple milled mineral
    on to yet another exciting                                                     makeup including over 100 different
    career,  so she decided                                                        products.  One of Dianne’s pet proj-
    upon a move to San                                                             ects was to create a skin care line
    Diego.  Always a lover                                                         for young girls who were plagued
    of beauty, the obvious                                                         with acne, realizing how much their
    choice was to open her                                                         personalities were affected when
    own high end salon to                                                          they were self conscious about their
    help San Diegan women                                                          skin.  She also worked on a series
    look and feel beautiful.                                                       entitled “You Glow Girl,” and au-
    Her first spa was simply                                                       thored a book Fun in the Sun Safely
    titled “The Spa,” and was                                                     which taught the dangers of exces-
    located in Encinitas, California.  After making her business   sive sun exposure and how to protect your skin from potential
    a thriving success she sold it and moved on to a bigger and   health risks.  She founded You Glow Girl, a teenage skin care
    better location.  She found out that a beautiful space was   company to help solve teenage breakout issues
    available in downtown La Jolla, the town where she lived, so
                                                     September/October 2010
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