Page 13 - SD Woman Fabulous Finds
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Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert



        extract in a cruelty-free formula. When   to fold for travel with 2 deep pockets for   the top to select dog or cat. Once select-
        you need an intense dose of moisture, we   daily essentials and to keep hands warm.   ed, a myriad of specialized supplements,
        recommend the “Manuka Honey Cream.”   For chilly nights in SoCal, we recommend   freeze-dried foods, freeze-dried treats, and
        This skin superfood contains enzymes   the Puffer Hug 418 scarf. Lightweight and   dental chews. Our personal recommenda-
        and antioxidants. Manuka Honey contains   versatile, the 418 Scarf got its name from   tion is the Adult Dog Food, “Nutra Complete
        up to 100X more of the typical properties   the latitudinal position of Chicago (41.8°   Infusions- Duck with Organic Chicken Bone
        found in other honey. It is pollinated from   N), home of the Puffer Hug. With the 418   Broth.” This food features a complete and
        the native Manuka Bush exclusively found   design, simply close the three snaps and   balanced veterinarian-developed blend
        in New Zealand. It is known to soothe and   sport a trendy puffer vest atop a long   of protein-packed duck, seeds, minerals,
        draw moisture to the surface of the skin.   sleeve and jeans for the perfect San Diego   fruits, vegetables, and vitamins — freeze-
        Combined with the premium aloe vera, it’s   night attire.                dried raw for maximum nutrition and flavor.
        power-packed with ingredients that are   Shop all the options for Puffer Hug   Every delicious bite has been infused with
        beneficial to the skin.             scarves at            powdered chicken bone broth for a burst
           To view the complete line of Deluvia                                  of powerful nutrients, like glucosamine and
        products, visit     30. ULTIMATE PET NUTRITION           chondroitin, to help your dog stay active
                                            If you are like me, you refer to your dog or   and happy. Nutra Complete™ Infusions
        29. PUFFER HUG                      cat as your “fur baby” and with that title   contains over 40 hand-selected ingredients
        What began as a sweet grandkid crafting   comes a level of care equivalent to any   that align with your dog’s natural diet, and
        a meaningful gift for their grandparents   child. Would you feed your loved one food   help support healthy digestion, a thick
        became a small business manufactur-  with unknown ingredients or harmful   coat, healthy immune function, and overall
        ing some of the most sought-after wrap   additives? Of course not. That’s why we are   health and happiness.
        scarves on the market. At Puffer Hug, their   so happy to have stumbled upon Ultimate   If your dog struggles during certain
        mission is to connect the world – one Hug   Pet Nutrition.               seasons, we recommend “Canine Radiance.”
        at a time.                             Ultimate Pet Nutrition is changing   Every chewable tablet of Canine Radiance™
           Puffer Hug is an addictive fashion-for-  the pet food game. With a focus on nutri-  contains 6 active ingredients to help sup-
        ward scarf that keeps you warm and stylish.   ent-dense ingredients, Ultimate Pet Nu-  port your dog’s skin from multiple angles.
        Once you treat yourself to one of these   trition will provide premium-quality food,   GlycOmega™, Bovine Collagen Hydrolysate,
        beautiful pieces, you will find yourself   treats, and supplements for your dog or cat.   Omega-3s, Quercetin Phytosome, Astax-
        needing a different color for every occasion.   Founded by Top Holistic Vet Dr. Gary Richter,   anthin, and Nettle Root Extract can help
        Now available in two styles (lightweight 418   the formula is veterinarian-approved for   relieve occasional seasonal allergy discom-
        & original), this fleece lined wrap with deep   longevity, health, and wellness. Ultimate   fort — and support your dog’s skin health
        pockets will be worn with ease at home, the   Pet Nutrition believes optimal nutrition is   through the years.
        office, or while traveling.         the key to a happy life, and they understand   No matter what your dog or cat’s needs
           Featured by Oprah in her O-List, this   your pet is like family, and they deserve only   may be, there is a product that can perfectly
        insulated scarf can also be worn folded and  the best.                   support them at every stage of life. To shop
        draped like a vest for added warmth under   When shopping online with Ultimate   the entire Ultimate Pet Nutrition line, visit
        outwear. It is easily packable and flexible   Pet Nutrition, you will find simple bars at
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