Page 9 - SD Woman Fabulous Finds
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Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert


        Muscle Therapy Cream, as well as the   lips, you will need to indulge in the Coffee   and they began sampling her jellies and
        Support Supplement, and subscribing for   Body Scrub to exfoliate those legs for your   creations. It was obvious very quickly after
        monthly replenishment. You can skip ship-  fashionable mini skirt. Cap’N Coconut Cof-  opening that she had a hit on her hands- es-
        ments and cancel anytime, so there is no   fee Body Scrub stimulates blood circulation   pecially in the pepper jelly!
        risk, and all rewards! To view the entire line   to all your tired spots while moisturizing   Nowadays, Jenkins Jellies is known as an
        of Joint and Muscle Therapy products, visit   and exfoliating simultaneously. This organic   award-winning, premium line of all-natural                   formula includes locally roasted and ethi-  pepper jellies crafted in sun-kissed Cali-
                                            cally sourced coffee beans, organic coconut   fornia. Savory, sweet, and irresistibly spicy,
        19. CAP’N COCONUT                   sugar, Vitamin E Oil, and Organic Vanilla and   Jenkins infuses an iconic southern treat with
        A woman-owned business founded by Es-  Coconut essential oils.           a fresh coastal twist: a heartier texture. Nug-
        thetician Emily Wenrick, this brand focuses   Every product in the Cap’N Coconut line   gets of peppers and fruits, a complex blend
        on healing your skin through coconut oil   is made with the same level of premium   of seven peppers, and peak season purees
        and traditions Emily learned while living   ingredients and a focus on natural and or-  make these jams the sought-after ingredi-
        in Alaska and on the Oregon coast. After a   ganic. To shop the entire line of beauty and   ent for a home cook or five-star chef.
        battle with melanoma, she knew more than   skincare products from Cap’N Coconut, visit   Since we are suckers for options, we
        ever the importance of quality skincare and       highly recommend going with a Jenkins Jel-
        wanted to share the formulas she found                                   lies Hot Pepper Jelly Gift Set or their 5 oz Jar
        with her family, friends, and now- YOU!  20. JENKINS JELLIES             Hot Pepper Jelly Sampler Set. The Gift Set is
           It all began with a coconut body balm   If there is one thing we can’t help but   beautifully packaged with a little gold bow
        recipe that gained popularity amongst her   support, it’s a family-owned business that   in the corner. If you know someone who
        fellow moms and friends. Constantly seeing   exceeds all expectations. Jenkins Jellies is   loves to cook, this gift will be the one they
        women around her working out, surfing   one of those businesses. Started by Hillary   use and can’t stop raving about! The Jenkins
        through sunrise to sunsets, and vacationing   Danner, a working actress for over ten years,   Jellies Hot Pepper Sampler Set includes
        with abandon, Emily was inspired to create   Jenkins Jellies has caught vast popularity   popular flavors- Hell Fire 7 Pepper, Guava
        her diverse product line and develop formu-  amongst the public, celebrities, and chefs   Brava Guava, Fiery Figs, and Passion Fire
        las that could make a difference.   alike. It all began when Danner had her   Passionfruit. These petite jars in the sampler
           Our favorite products include their   two kids and found herself spending more   and gift set are the best choice for finding
        Pineapple Lip Balm, Mermaid Hair Sea Salt   time at home than at call-backs. With the   your go-to jelly. Once you taste these in-
        Texturizing Spray, and Coffee Body Scrub.   new responsibilities and juggling act, she   credible, robust, flavor-packed jellies, you’ll
        The Cap’n Coconut Pineapple Lip Balm has   found herself looking for a hobby to enjoy   be ordering the full-size in no time.
        30 SPF to protect your lips and coconut oil   at home. Surrounded by a plethora of citrus   To shop all of the Jenkins Jellies prod-
        to nourish and hydrate. Mermaid Hair Sea   and fig trees at her Highland Park house,   ucts and Hot Pepper Jellies, visit www.
        Salt Texturizing Spray features Jojoba Oil, an   along with an abundant vegetable garden,
        Organic Essential Oils Blend, Sea Salt, and a   Danner grabbed the Ball canning jar book   .
        Fragrance blend that will catch the atten-  and taught herself how to make fruit jams.   21. SAFA BODY OIL
        tion of every passerby. Before you step out   Once she mastered these skills, she opened   There are certain self-care products that be-
        with your beachy waves and moisturized   a small boutique to celebrate local artists,   come little family secrets due to their magical
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