Page 5 - SD Woman Fabulous Finds
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Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert
10. LEMONGRASS FARMS ongrass Farms is great for spraying in the art. From learning how to extend the life of
Have you ever wanted to enjoy the out- areas in which you plan on spending your the burn, to the ingredients in her favorite
doors without the worry of applying harm- time. Made of the same premium essential clean candles, she homed in on what makes
ful chemicals to your body? Lemongrass oils as their insect repellents, this fly spray a premium product. After hours and hours
Farms has your answer. Trek Insect Repellent will mean you can host in peace without of trial and error, Ashley found a recipe that
is a botanical based spray using essential swatting away these pesky guys during she loved and started Upside Down Candles
oils which make it great for sensitive skin. your family functions or having to deal with to work from home while brightening the
100% all-natural and free of synthetic strong chemical odors while eating. homes of all who purchased during a time
fragrances, you will not believe the power of Our recommendation is to stock up on when this light was so needed in our world.
this plant-based formula. these home essentials by choosing a four- The quality and safety of the ingredients
If you’ve gone hiking, you know how pack of each to ensure the biggest value. became a very important aspect of Upside
traditional bug repellents can leave an Learn more about Lemongrass Farms and Goods Co. Each candle is a unique blend of
unpleasant odor and cover your body in their mission to create an ethically superior coconut and soy wax that is paraben and
harmful chemicals, but with Trek, you can spray that makes going outdoors enjoyable phthalate free, gluten free, and cruelty free.
rest assured their product is safe and effec- again at Crackling wooden wicks are even sustain-
tive without the unpleasant smells. ably made through FSC mills. Ashley goes
Plant-based moisturizers and soothing 11. UPSIDE GOODS CO. CANDLES above and beyond with her dedication to
agents will leave your skin feeling clean and Upside Goods Co. is committed to making the planet and vows to focus on sustainabil-
refreshed. Their essential oil blend of lemon- quality, clean products for your home with ity when creating new formulas or offer-
grass, cedarwood, peppermint, and gerani- the sole purpose of bringing a sense of ings. The imprint on Mother Earth is of the
um naturally repels insects without harming peace and place to you and yours. From utmost importance to their business model
the environment. Plus, your purchase helps their signature candles to their room fra- and they focus on this agenda even when
support bee and butterfly habitats. grances and greeting cards, Upside Goods packaging their products for shipment.
If you have kiddos joining you on your Co. makes the ideal gift for any occasion. Not only does Ashley focus on clean,
adventures, you’ll be happy to know that Woman-founded and owned, this com- premium ingredients sourced in a responsi-
Lemongrass Farms also offers a Kid-Friendly pany began during the monotonous days ble manner, but profits from sales of these
formula. Made with the same trusted ingre- of Covid-19 lockdown. Since her work was beauties go to Mental Health Awareness
dients as the adult spray, the Kid-Friendly shut down, and she had completed every and Wellness initiatives. Currently, Upside
version offers lower percentages of essential puzzle she owned, Ashley began searching Goods Co. is dedicated to assisting the
oils to make it easy on the sensitive skin of a for hobbies that could help her combat Loveland Foundation. This organization
child without compromising the insect-re- her anxiety and depression. As an avid focuses on supporting communities of color
pelling effects. Target and Home Goods shopper, Ashley with a focus on Black women and girls. Their
If you’re planning on hosting outdoor frequently headed straight for the candle resources and initiatives are collaborative,
events such as barbeques and picnics aisle to find the scent that would brighten and they prioritize opportunity, access,
this Summer, we encourage checking out her home that week. After realizing that validation, and healing.
their fly repellent for the most enjoyable candles would be a great craft to learn, Ash- To shop the entire Upside Goods Co.
experience. “SCRAM!” Fly Repellent by Lem- ley became obsessed with mastering the collection, visit