Page 6 - SD Woman Fabulous Finds
P. 6
by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
12. ADIRONDACK FRAGRANCE FARM The scent is rich, and the size of the candle formula is backed by the latest scientif-
In today’s fast-paced society, we rarely take is perfect for filling the entire room with ic research and enriched with powerful
the time to appreciate the world around immersive fragrance. natural ingredients. Designed to convert
us. Adirondack Fragrance Farm is aiming to The Cedar Soap Bars are another pop- white fat cells into brown fat cells, this
change this reality. ular pick from Adirondacks. This woody, re- cream effectively fights cellulite and reduces
Adirondack Fragrance Farm encourages freshingly scented, natural soap features the excess inches. Shape Accelerator is an
natural living by sharing the unique botan- essence of Adirondack cedar wood and has active liposoluble anti-cellulite slimming
icals and alluring spirit of the Adirondack antibacterial properties that prevent acne lotion based on a purified extract of organic
Region with people everywhere. Their vision breakouts. Their artisan-crafted appearance mustard sprouts combined with a synthetic
is about the well-being of people and the makes them the ideal gift for that self-care capsaicin analog. It has been shown to help
planet. They want to provide people every- queen in your family. individuals slim down and reduce waist and
where with a chance to experience nature If you want to experience the scents of abdomen girth, providing a more sculpted
and reconnect with its wildness, its allure, the Adirondacks throughout your home, we figure. With continued use, you can achieve
and its incredible restorative benefits… no recommend their Mountain Air Room Spray. a 2-6cm reduction after 8 weeks!
matter where they live! From a city high-rise This signature scent transports you to the This product is great to use in conjunc-
to a seaside bungalow or a rustic retreat, woods and evokes visions of sunshine and tion with a healthy lifestyle and regular exer-
the immersive Adirondack aromas evoke a white pine trees on a fragrant forest path. cise regimen. As you work on your body,
connection to nature and the tranquility of Wildcrafted in New York, Adirondack prod- you can sport the most fashionable gym fits
the wilderness. ucts are made of premium locally sourced with confidence, knowing the Shape Accel-
How exactly do they bring the outdoors ingredients and packaged in beautiful erator has you covered. A holistic approach
to you? Through their extensive line of vessels ideal for gift giving or displaying in to skincare, this product will become your
high-quality clean fragrance products that your home. go-to thigh moisturizer that does double
enhance people’s homes and lives by using To shop the entire collection of Adiron- duty as it tones the elasticity of your skin.
all-natural ingredients, unique Adirondack dack Fragrance Farm products, visit www. To learn more about Shape Accelerator,
botanicals, and collaborative artisanal pro- visit
cesses to help customers connect to nature
and a relaxed rustic lifestyle. 13. SHAPE ACCELERATOR 14. LEATHER HONEY - LEATHER CARE
Made in the USA by local artisans, their When getting ready for a weekend at the WIPES
self-care items include soaps, body wash, beach or a weekday gym session, it’s a When you purchase leather goods, your first
lotions, candles, perfume sprays, and more. typical reaction to pause when trying on thought is always how to care for it. Leather
Our favorite pick must be their Balsam Fir that bikini or those sought after Gymshark Honey has you covered. While their entire
Candle. Each candle uses all-natural soy shorts. In fact, cellulite is the most common product line serves to protect and maintain
wax, hand-selected, lead-free cotton wicks, culprit for ruining a great outfit - and your your leather goods, our favorite is their
and a blend of natural essential oils and day! Leather Care Wipes. Available in Cleaner, or
phthalate-free fragrance oils. The Balsam Fir This revolutionary slimming solution a Cleaner & Conditioner Combination, these
Candle features real balsam needle sprinkles activates your body’s natural fat-burning wipes are easy to throw in your purse, car, or
and provides aromatherapy for relaxation. process. Shape Accelerator’s cutting-edge carry-on. Made with a unique raised texture