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Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert



        prompts, affirmations, and quotes. You can   pairing of form, function, and fashion that   more so the time commitment that I just
        use these as journaling inspiration or to   would become Arden Cove.     can’t validate when I have a day full of meet-
        begin a gratitude routine. When we practice   One of the standout pieces of the   ings or a kid who needs breakfast. That’s
        gratitude, we rewire our attitude for opti-  Arden Cove collection is their Crissy Full   why Morning Glamour was such a godsend.
        mism, positivity, and resilience.   Crossbody. This vegan leather, weather-  Morning Glamour is a company that
           Whether you are looking to nab that   proof nylon bag features RFID blocking   prides itself on making quality self-care
        high-paying job or just get through the   technology, slash-resistant lining, locking   goodies such as satin pillowcases, scrunch-
        day-to-day, Mind Brain Emotion is the   clasps, steel cable strap, and a timeless   ies, scarves, shower caps, heatless curlers,
        answer. Shop their entire collection at mind-  design. Two wall pockets that include a   and soaps.  Owned by Kristen Lantz and                   built-in wallet provide the perfect level   Hector Loza, this small business thinks big
                                            of organization for your trips or daily use.   when it comes to beauty. Their satin pillow-
        6.  ARDEN COVE                      Available in a variety of shades, the choco-  cases have become a mainstay in our home,
        Blending style with functionality was always   late and black colors work with any outfit,   and their effects can be felt in the beautiful-
        a bit of a struggle- until Arden Cove came to   while the maroon can add that pop to your   ly tamed morning hair and refreshed skin.
        the rescue. Two sisters, born and raised in San   neutral fashions.      With 25 years of experience in the garment
        Francisco, wanted to enable women to travel   If you need a larger bag for bringing   industry, Lantz and Loza know exactly what
        with confidence. With a passion for making   everything from the tablet to your ballet   a quality product requires, and Morning
        beautiful and functional travel pieces, Karin   flats, grab the Carmel Convertible Backpack   Glamour stands against the biggest of com-
        and Carmen run their small business with the   and Crossbody. This flexible fashion choice   petitors with ease.
        utmost pride. They design, work closely with   features all the same benefits as the cross-  Our favorite products are their heatless
        suppliers, edit the website, and handle all cus-  body, with room for all of life’s essentials. It   curlers and sating pillowcases, sheerly for
        tomer support directly- the true embodiment   can be worn as a backpack, shoulder bag,   their everyday applicability. The heatless
        of the entrepreneurial spirit.      handbag, or crossbody.               curlers have outright solved my morning
           Karin came up with the idea of matching   Visit to shop the entire   time dilemmas and left me with zero excus-
        form with function after traveling abroad   collection of effortless designs that make   es for presenting a put-together look at the
        to France. While she remained safe with   travel a breeze. Right now, free shipping is   office. Simply wrap your slightly damp hair
        her anti-theft crossbody, her peers found   available for any U.S. purchase over $50!  around the heatless curler, secure it with
        themselves pickpocketed left and right. The                              satin scrunchies, and go to bed! Wake up
        only dilemma she faced was the crossbody’s   7.  MORNING GLAMOUR         and experience effortless curls and waves
        dowdy and cheaply made design. When she   Most days, I find myself pulling my hair into   that will make your coworkers think you
        realized there was a gap in the market, Karin   the usual tightly wound bun or signature   spent the morning at the salon.
        decided to team up with Carmen and create   ponytail to get ready for work in the least   Satin pillowcases are one of the most
        good quality and fashion-forward pieces.   amount of time. You see, for me, “hairstyles”   underrated beauty products on the planet.
        After her own travel woes, Carmen learned   were reserved for special occasions or   Morning Glamour’s line of beautiful satin
        the importance of ensuring that water-resis-  nights out, which have become few and far   pillowcases come in a variety of colors and
        tant fabrics were used whenever possible.   between. My gripe with doing my hair has   patterns, which make them the perfect
        This was just the beginning of the fabulous   never been not appreciating the results, but   gift for any girlfriend. If you are not familiar
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