Page 14 - SD Woman Fabulous Finds
P. 14
by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
31. ShelterLogic handle for easy installation, 7-foot diameter and began the brand with pods with Rich
It’s summer in San Diego, and that means for maximum coverage, and travel-friendly Taste and Less Waste. A signature element of
it is time for weekly visits to the beach! We carrying bag. You can easily fit two chairs Cambio Roasters® caring capitalism structure
can’t wait to be lathered in sunscreens and under its coverage or (as we mentioned) is to contribute 20% of profits to coffee-farm-
enjoying the waves with our pup, but one one chair and a happy pup! ing families. Their partnership with Food 4
problem we have is the effect the heat has If you are looking to upgrade your coast- Farmers works with coffee-farming families
on him after just an hour hanging along the al experience, shop the entire collection of who are now leading the way to healthier
coast. The RIO Beach Umbrella with a handy ShelterLogic Beach at communities, by creating thriving local
anchor is large enough for both me and the food hubs, diversifying income, and farming
fur child to stay cool and comfortable on 32. Cambio Roasters sustainably to promote biodiversity and
the hottest of days. When my husband and As you probably know by now we are BIG ecosystem resiliency.
I venture out for our solo trip to the coast, advocates of small businesses. Cambio Cambio Roasters is based on an
we always bring the RIO Beach Umbrella to Roasters embodies everything we love about eco-friendly and give-back mission, but its
ensure we have a shady spot to stop and taking that risk. After leaving their corpo- coffee stands on its own. The best small-
savor the moment. rate jobs, Kevin and Ann decided they were batch roasted Arabica coffees from around
The RIO Beach Umbrella features a pat- going to make a change to positively impact the world can find themselves on your
ent-pending ANCHORX™ anchoring system, the world. A big ask but not one that went doorstep in varieties such as French Roast,
which provides added stability for the wind- unanswered. Sumatran, Colombian, Hazelnut, Donut
iest of days! The tilt feature offers the option Forty million coffee pods end up in our Blend, or Decaf, to name a few. Our favorite?
to adjust shade as the sun moves. The landfills every day. Beyond that, coffee farm- The French Roast. This coffee is roasted to a
powder-coated steel pole fends off rust and ers struggle to have enough food to feed perfect dark brown bean and has delicious
corrosion to keep your umbrella performing their families at least 6 months of each year. burnt undertones. A wonderful bold cup
in the elements. Recommended by the Skin Aware of this unfair reality, Kevin and Ann that's flavorful, shiny with oil and has a
Cancer Foundation, the polyester fabric is knew that with their dedication, experience, diminished acidity. Complex wild fruitiness,
both durable and gorgeous, making it a and big hearts, they could do something to including intense notes of Jasmine. Crafting
stylish and functional beach accessory for help- and so, Cambio was born. their signature French Roast is a thing of
all your outdoor adventures. Cambio started from their kitchen table beauty- after all, it is created by Cambio’s
If you are looking for a designer mo- in Charleston, South Carolina, and with their 5th Generation Roastmaster.
ment, may we suggest choosing the Tommy Keurig® brewer by their side to fuel their If this is your first time experiencing the
Bahama edition of this trusted ShelterLogic passion, they envisioned a brand that was beauty of Cambio coffee, we recommend
product? The Tommy Bahama 6-foot Beach equal parts taste, recyclable, giving, and selecting their 27-count Variety Pack. This
Umbrella features the brand’s swordfish affordable! A brand that allows them to give pack includes all 8 of their blends in delight-
logo atop a preppy blue and green lined back to others, that stands out in its category, ful, eco-friendly packaging. Surprise family
fabric. has fun, and shows respect for the planet and and friends visiting this summer with these
Some great perks to this umbrella in its people. It's tough to pick the priorities on premium coffee pods in your home. To shop
either style are its UPF 50+ sun protection, that list, so they just went for it and launched the entire collection, visit www.CambioRo-
wind vent to allow for airflow, fold-down Cambio (which means Change in Spanish)