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Women of Distinction

           Kristy Valdivia grew up                                                           After graduating, one of
        in Pavilion New York, a small                                                     Kristy’s first jobs, which she
        town in Upstate New York.                                                         had to admit was a lot of fun,
        “There was one stoplight in my                                                    was working a contract job
        town and more cows than peo-                                                      for Club Med. This showed
        ple.” Kristy remained there un-                                                   yet another side of Kristy...her
        til college when she ventured                                                     creative, talented and expres-
        to SUNY Oswego, a top-rated                                                       sive nature. “Part of my job
        state school in upstate New                                                       was entertainment, so I had
        York. “Along with a great                                                         the opportunity to sing and
        reputation there was an awful                                                     dance. I performed daily and
        lot of snow! I was an intercolle-                                                 was fortunate to meet people
        giate athlete, playing four years                                                 from all over the world. It was
        of volleyball, while carrying a                                                   a fun job, but after it ended,
        dual major in business admin-                                                     I wanted to aim towards my
        istration and communication                                                       ultimate goal.”
        studies. My concentrations                                                           However, it was this job
        were in Marketing and Public                                                      which actually led Kristy from
        Relations.”                                                                       New York to San Diego. Some
           With such a demanding                                                          of her fellow employees were
        schedule, there was little time                                                   moving to San Diego and they
        for much more than excelling                                                      invited her to come check it
        academically and athletically                                                     out.
        as an all-conference player and                                                      Always up for a new
        carrying a GPA of 3.5. Full                                                       adventure, Kristy flew to
        of drive and determination,                                                       San Diego, one suitcase in
        Kristy even managed to fit in   Photo Courtesy of Kristy Valdivia                 hand and a one-way ticket.
        a semester abroad in London,                                                      “I figured I would book my
        where she then traveled to                                                        return trip when I was ready
        France, Italy and Ireland.                                                        to go home. It was February
           “When people ask what          Kristy Valdivia                                 and freezing cold when I left
        I feel played the biggest part                                                    New York. There I was in San
        in my work ethic and drive, I                                                     Diego in sunshine and no
        have to credit being an athlete.                                                  snow. I met some people, they
        I was born and raised in an         Field Marketing Manager                       gave me a job, I got a car, I got
        extremely supportive athletic             Boston Scientific                       an apartment and called my
        family, so having that mental-                                                    parents and said, I love you,
        ity has been the foundation of                                                    but I’m not coming back.”
        anything I chose to do in my               By Judith A. Habert                       Kristy’s goal when she
        life. You learn dedication, time                                                  graduated college was to get
        management, and tenacity, and                                                     a couple of years of business
        so much more as an athlete.   had to wear a 24-hour brace   which I named Millie, came   sales experience and then to
        That was put to the test while   for 5 years, which included   with me everywhere I went   get into medical sales. Kristy
        balancing dual majors and the   her middle/high school years.   for those five years. I had to   did just that, she spent four
        demands placed on me as in-  However, this did not deter   wear it to school every day and  years working a B2B sales
        tercollegiate athlete to excel on   her from pursuing athletics   change in and out of it during   jobs and was thrilled when
        the field and in class. I would   and dance. Her doctor at   gym class, and sleep in it at   she landed her first job in her
        also say I have an innate inter-  the time was pushing her to   night. Although it was a tough   dream field. “I was recruited to
        nal fire in my belly, and that   have surgery at such a young   time for me, it helped me to   work for Johnson and John-
        has been an important driving   age, and this would limit her   understand the importance of   son, which was a big hitter
        force in my career as well.”   Volleyball career and her   gaining self-confidence and   in the industry. I started off
           Kristy had struggled with   range of motion. She opted to   feeling proud of who I was,   working in pharmaceutical
        a diagnosis of scoliosis since   stay fit and be an advocate to   even though I was perceived   sales and continued to get
        she was in second grade and   health and fitness. “My brace,   ‘different’.”      promoted along the way.”

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