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Women of Distinction
Kiko’s clients are a good mix of old medical practice out there, and help their With that statistic in mind, Kiko
and new practices. “We have clients who patients discover the care they need. Pres- suggests choosing wisely when you create
are in different places with their practices ently, we service over five thousand doctors friendships. Her other suggestions was not
and their digital presence. Some practices globally, and are focused on growing our to be afraid to go into a company at the
are already well established and primarily team in San Diego. One element that we ground level and prove yourself. “When I
operate by word of mouth, so they may have in place is that we attend medical started at Doctor Multimedia, I began as a
be simply looking to improve the online conferences and offer continuing education sales associate and it really helped me gain
experience for their existing patients. courses to doctors educating them on the a strong understanding of team member's
Others may have just opened their practice best practices for their online marketing roles, day-to-day operations, and how they
and need to establish an online presence, and ways to maximize their online pres- impacted me and the team. By getting a
and still others may have been in practice ence. firsthand understanding of those things,
for years, but have never had an online Much of Kiko’s time is taken up with it directly impacts the decisions I make
website.” her position at Doctor Multimedia, but in today in a leadership role. I think it’s crucial
The success of a medical practice can her spare time she relies on Yoga to clear to learn the different layers of the specific
often depend on their online presence and her head and uses it as her form of medita- company that you’re passionate about. The
not necessarily how long the practice has tion and movement. In addition, she loves more you know about the inner workings,
the better decisions you can make down
the road.”
A strong believer in giving back by
mentoring those who are new in the field,
Kiko often works back in the department
she started in, mentoring new employees,
Photo Courtesy of Kiko Salazar efforts.
and using a hands on approach to keep her
finger on the pulse of her company’s sales
“Some of the most inspiring leaders
that I’ve ever met or read about are the ones
that row in the same boat as their team. I
like the idea of being able to contribute to
my team members’ growth by using the
same paddle that I asked them to use to
row their boat.”
One quality that Kiko possesses is her
existed. It isn’t just the website; It is the traveling, reading, dancing, and hiking desire to always be the best she can be. “I
full integration into social media, Google’s Cowles Mountain at least once a week. set goals so big that I cannot achieve them
snack pack, local directory listings, and “Running up Cowles Mountain is one of until I grow into the person who can. I aim
other online facets that is imperative to my favorite things to do. Not only does it to do this constantly both in my work and
businesses of any kind, including medical. make me feel good physically, but no mat- personal life.”
Maybe ten years ago you could get away ter what happens during the week, I know Kiko Salazar certainly lives up to her
with just having a website, but today if you that at the end of the day I can literally words making this one of the reasons we
are not actively engaging with your patients conquer a mountain.” chose her as our cover girl and clearly an
on social media and frequently generating I asked Kiko what suggestions she outstanding Woman of Distinction.
reviews for your practice, you are missing could offer to young people coming into
out on the largest advertising opportuni- the workforce in the digital world. “I To learn more about Kiko visit her website
ty. “We often see newer practices seeing always dreamed of being an executive of a at:
more patients than older more established company, so I found it helpful to surround To learn more about Doctor Multimedia,
practices, simply because they’re taking myself with other executives. That means visit their website at:
advantage of getting found online, and that I go to a lot of networking events. It is
leveraging the right strategies. The older refreshing to be in the same room with oth-
practices that stick to traditional methods er executives and share our challenges and Contact:
are quickly becoming outdated.” solutions. They say you become similar to (858) 275-2755
Kiko and her team at Doctor Mul- the five people you hang out the most with,
timedia must be doing something right, so I am very selective with who I spend
“I’m proud to say that according to Google, time. I surround myself with individuals Instagram: @mot
we’re actually the highest rated medical who are ambitious, know what they want LinkedIn:
marketing company in the industry. Our and are not afraid to work hard to achieve
plans moving forward are to help every their goals.”