Page 46 - Mega Bridal Issue
P. 46
When Your Loved One is The comfort and well being of the patient is our primary
concern.” The individual selection of any particular oil is of-
ten meaningful, for example orange oil tends to be uplifting.
Facing the End of Life “It’s all about taking the time to find just the right fit for the
patient,” says Austin.
Another therapy that has been found to be very effective,
especially for patients in pain or decline, is supportive music
Helpful Therapies to Enhance Their Final Days therapy. The primary goals in the use of music are to facili-
By Stacey Penney tate relaxation for anxiety and pain management, to elicit
memories and connections with the past, to bridge gaps of
Caring for a loved one during their end-of-life journey is one isolation, to express emotions, and experience aesthetic
of the most difficult experiences we go through. The course pleasure. Cindy Hutchinson, Director of Patient Care for
is frequently uncharted and often it seems there is little LightBridge, describes one patient who was in a severely
debilitated state, “she was very hard
of hearing and blind and was very
agitated over her inability to commu-
nicate. We brought in a harpist and
he guided her to reach out her hand
and strum the harp. She smiled and
sang for the first time in a very long
Healing Touch ™ is a certified pro-
gram using light or near-body touch
to clear and balance the human
energy system to facilitate physi-
cal, emotional, mental, and spiritual
health. The focus of hospice care
is on the patient’s comfort and well
being so trained staff and volunteers
at LightBridge use this technique as a
compassionate connection between
the caregiver and the patient. Heal-
46 ing Touch has been found to be of
great assistance in helping a hospice
patient navigate this transition.
The newest program at LightBridge
is pet therapy, and they recently wel-
comed “Petey,” an engaging Golden
Retriever, to their team. In a thera-
peutic environment the interaction
with a pet has been shown to ease
pain or anxiety, decrease stress, and
lower blood pressure. In particular,
patients with Alzheimer’s exhibit less
agitation and an improved connection
with their surroundings.
that can be done to ease the emotional and physical pain. Including the Family
Support and guidance are available through a local hospice LightBridge is committed to patient-centered, family-
organization where innovative approaches are being used focused support, and the use of integrative therapies is an
to make this a smoother journey. In addition to traditional important way this is achieved. Family members may be
clinical end-of-life care, LightBridge Hospice & Palliative included in the use of aromatherapy, and are encouraged to
Care patients are offered a full complement of integrative participate in music activities. Frequently families are com-
therapies as part of their individualized plan of care. forted by knowing they are able to support their loved one in
Individualized Choice is the Key ways other than traditional medication.
LightBridge includes aromatherapy as part of their integra- A measure of success for this approach is that integrative
tive therapy program. They utilize a variety of pure essential therapies are funded through the LightBridge Hospice Com-
oils to enhance well being with gentle massage, inhala- munity Foundation, in large part, by gifts from the family
tion, compression or bathing. “Our staff and volunteers are members of former patients.
trained in the use of a number of pure oils that are selected Although this is one of life’s most difficult experiences, there
specifically for end-of-life concerns and are chosen by the are ways in which you can participate and make the most of
patient or the family,” says Tauna Austin, Volunteer Man- the time you have with your loved ones.
ager. “Some patients are drawn to Melissa which often For more information on integrative therapies, hospice sup-
relieves anxiety, insomnia, or nausea, while others may port or to volunteer, please call 858.458.2992 or visit
respond to lavender for comfort, inner peace, and clarity.