Page 48 - Mega Bridal Issue
P. 48
Living Fit After Fifty limits? “No, but I have learned that I can’t order a salad, a soup, a
main course and a dessert, but maybe one day I will order just a
salad and a main course and another time I will order just a main
course and a dessert, if there is something I really want.” The key
By Carol Ann Haines according to Carol is to get your metabolism up and functioning
Carol Ann Haines loved the outdoors and was always an active
participant. Then middle age hit and suddenly she noticed the “That is what this book is all about. It isn’t about giving up the
pounds coming on. Her usual routine of fad dieting and exercising things you love; it is about re-training your body and your mind. By
suddenly wasn’t working and she was becoming less and less able doing this, your metabolism will start functioning again at a higher
to participate in the activities she loved. level so if you are at a special event and everyone is eating cake,
you can too. Because your body knows it will be fed again soon so
Her son was working as a personal trainer and he kept trying to it can burn it off. Even if you have a bad day, get some extra exer-
convince her that what she was doing, wasn’t working. “My son cise the next day or eat lean the next day and don’t beat yourself
kept telling me I was doing it all wrong. He told me to stop all the up about it.”
fad diets and listen to him.
I fought him on it, telling
Living Fit After Fifty Living Fit How much exercise
him that if I ate as much as
is necessary to make
he suggested I would gain Carol’s program work?
weight. He asked me ‘So how Carol admits “When I first
Post-menopausal women battle fatigue, stress, and started my son recom-
is what you are doing working
weight gain, especially belly fat, according to the After Fifty mended five days a
for you’ and I had to admit
that it wasn’t. I agreed to
"International Journal of Obesity.” But, unlike our week. A few days of good
give him 6 weeks to convince
mothers, our generation wants to fight back. For us, weights, which women
me that what he was saying
tend to believe they
sixty is the new forty. But, where do we go for our A Guide for the shouldn’t do since it will
was correct. I did as he said;
battle plan? I ate more food, healthier Post-Menopausal Woman make them bigger, but
food, exercised regularly and honestly we don’t have
Unable to find a program addressing the specific
promised to stay off the scale.
the hormones to build big
fitness needs of post-menopausal women, author and muscles like that. Toning
Suddenly things started to
woman living fit after fifty, Carol Ann Haines, compiled them looks good, and it
happen for me.”
this all-inclusive handbook to get us looking and makes you look younger
When Carol started eating
feeling younger. No matter your fitness level, these and stand up straighter
healthier food and eating
and muscle burns more
pages will help you get the most out of this wonderful calories. So I did weights
before and after she exer-
time of life. Join us in a positive approach to healthy a few times a week and
cised she realized that what
she had been doing before,
living as we begin Living Fit After Fifty. serious cardio a few
living as we begin Living Fit After Fifty.
all the years of fad dieting times a week to burn
and depriving herself had fat. You don’t have to
caused problems with her
Carol Ann Haines is a go to a gym and use the
metabolism. When your body
machines you can use a
freelance writer living in soup can or free weights
is being deprived of calo-
Southern California. She has and do it at home. I have
ries, it goes into a protective
mode holding onto the food
been married for 36 years and also gotten lots of DVDs
it gets as a survival method.
has two grown sons. She has for home use. There are
Carol found out that if she ate
a lot of good ones out
won awards for her short there. The key is variety;
regularly her body would burn
food more efficiently.
stories and is currently a swim, roller blade, do a
contributing writer for San
contributing tape, take a spin class,
Seeing how well this new diet
Diego Woman magazine. ride a bike. Keep the
and exercise plan worked
boredom level down,
for her, she knew this was a and when you switch to
secret she needed to share something different you
with other women. Carol’s see a big boost in results,
new book Living Fit After Fifty, which is really encourag-
does exactly this and does it Carol Ann Haines ing.” Carol also admitted
Self Help exceptionally well. Living Fit that besides getting your
after Fifty is a fast and easy body fit there are ad-
read that will help guide you through the process of re-charging ditional benefits to exercise. “It helps with the feel good hormones,
your metabolism and learning that you don’t need to deprive your- the endorphins and the serotonins, that make you feel good and
self to stay fit and active at any age. “I eat 6 times a day - 3 meals give you a mental boost when you work out, so you leave the gym
and 3 snacks. I have learned that I can eat anything as long as or spin class feeling uplifted and energized”.
I keep in mind the calories I am taking in and exercise regularly.” If you want to feel good and look good, pick up a copy today of
Carol admits that by planning her meals there is little time left to eat Carol’s new book. It will allow you to learn how to stop depriving
the wrong foods. With a refrigerator and cupboard filled with only yourself, jump start your metabolism and Live Fit After Fifty.
healthy choices, she doesn’t find herself grabbing a cookie in the Carol’s new book is available by visiting her publisher’s site at
Photography by Jaime V. Habert
middle of the day anymore. and clicking on shop, or you can
order directly by visiting Carol’s site at
Does this mean that you can’t go out to eat and that dessert is off