Page 44 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 44

Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert




        What little princess could resist this ador-  again. The RiotPWR is the only Lightning-con-  the best technology out there, along comes
        able, huggable unicorn plush pillow pal   nected, full-sized mobile game controller   a new product that will blow your mind.
        adorned with a magical wish pocket? Ac-  available today. This means low latency, no   The Wacom One is a must-have multi-func-
        companying it is a stunning unicorn dream   pairing, and, because the controller draws   tional 13.3-inch tablet. It can be used for
        catcher designed to bring sweet dreams   its power from the iOS device, there's no   just about everything: from drawing and
        and ward off any negativity.        battery, giving you the most complete   coloring art to editing photos and videos,
           If you thought this was great, don't forget   console experience on your iPhone, iPad, or   brainstorming or annotating on digital
        the wonderful "Follow Your Dreams" story-  iPod touch. Despite drawing minimal power   textbooks, animation, game development,
        book that is part of this package. It inspires   from your iOS device, the RiotPWR controller   and more.
        young hearts to chase their aspirations. It   has a Lightning receptacle to allow charging   The display has a pen-on-paper feel
        helps them to embrace positive thinking and   of your iOS device while you're playing. The   with natural surface friction and minimal
        teaches them to dream big. To add a touch   controller has all-important "Home" and   reflection, so users feel like they’re writ-
        of whimsy, a star-shaped notepad is included   "Options" buttons to greatly enhance your ex-  ing on paper, not glass. The Wacom One
        for jotting down dreams and aspirations.  perience when playing cloud-based services,   includes creative software so tech lovers
           Our favorite part of this package is the   such as Xbox's Gamepass, or when casting   can get started as soon as it’s out of the box.
        beautiful 28-inch dreamcatcher with woven   your console games to your iOS device. It   It’s compatible with PC, Mac, and certain
        webs that catch and banish bad dreams   also has a built-in audio DAC and headphone   Android devices.
        while letting good dreams trickle down   socket. And now, with Apple Arcade, you can   You can sketch, draw and paint directly
        feathers onto sleepy heads. Unleash the   play so many games in so many places for as   on the screen and enjoy natural surface
        power of imagination and positivity with this   long as you wish! If you utilize an iPad Pro, the   friction with minimal reflection. The includ-
        captivating journey into the land of unicorns!  USB-C cable provided will even allow you to   ed software can create the feel of a pen,
           Get ready to dazzle and enchant with   game on the large screen to create an ideal   marker, paintbrush, pencil, chalk, or eraser.
        this delightful gift set! Perfect for unicorn   experience. The zero-gravity device holder   The only thing that limits you is your own
        lovers, it comes gift ready in a stunning   means no more hand cramping by trying to   imagination.
        pink and purple "Follow Your Dreams" box.   hold the square phone for hours on end. If   Those who are visual thinkers can use
        Adorned with a satin ribbon and velcro   you want to surprise your favorite gamer   the Wacom One to capture ideas, draw dia-
        closure. Available on Amazon at https://  with a RiotPWR, visit   grams, and these ideas can easily be shared                     to search for the RiotPWR Cloud Gaming   with colleagues.
                                            Controller.                            The light, battery-free, ergonomically
        25. RiotPWR Game Controller                                              designed pen allows you to tweak or sign
        Whether it is a long wait at the doctor's office   26. Wacom One         documents and jot down notes just as you
        or a sleepless night, I often turn to the games   It’s great to find technology that can serve   would with pen and paper.
        on my phone to pass the time. With the Riot   its purpose really well, but it’s even more   This is the one tool you will need to
        Power Game Controller for iOS, I can elevate   satisfying to find technology that can be   make social media and presentations to
        my gaming experience. This controller plugs   used for several purposes and still perform   impress. To learn more go to https://estore.
        into your iPhone to create a unique gaming   above the rest.   
        experience that makes you feel like a kid   Just when you think you have seen all of
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