Page 47 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 47
In late December 2019, COVID-19
found me at the steps of our doorway. Suites at
Fortunately, it didn’t affect my family
as much as it hit me. I was admitted
to the hospital for nearly three weeks,
battling for a bit longer stay in this Fisherman’s
world. During my stay at Tri-City
Medical Center, I received a lot of
encouragement and support from Wharf
my family and friends through social
media, especially Facebook. One of
the messages that came through was a
meditation from someone I had never Article and Photo by G. A. Illingworth
met. The name read Laura Cisneros.
When I was finally released from the My husband and I have stayed at this is the perfect hotel for you giv-
hospital, I knew I had to track her different hotels in San Francisco, but en that it’s a smoke-free property.
down and express my appreciation The Suites @ Fisherman’s Wharf on Children are welcome, but there’s no
for her concern and prayers said in Hyde Street was by far our favorite. pool, fitness center or spa. You can
my name. I searched for her in the We were greeted warmly when we get food for a separate charge.
many messages I had received. I finally entered the lobby that is manned 24 The location of this hotel is ideal.
found her and discovered she was hours. The one- bedroom suite rents It’s only a 7 minute walk from shop-
from Guadalajara, Mexico. for $300 a day and sleeps four. The ping and dining along Fisherman’s
At home recuperating, I thought two-bedroom suite rents for $500 a Warf. It’s a short distance walk to
I had made it out of the woods, but day and sleeps six people. the Ghirardelli Square for choco-
the reality was I had landed in that We walked through a lovely gar- late lovers, exploring The Aquarium
deep black hole once again. Laura den atrium with a fountain to get of the Bay, or seeing the city with a
Cisneros became my outlet for a few to the elevator that takes guests to fun outdoor riding experience with
weeks. I met her via video calls, and their suite on the second or third a Segway guided tour. If you prefer
she coached me through some rough floor. Each suite was equipped with a to cook your own meals, the Safeway
moments during my recovery. Again, king-sized bed in each bedroom and Grocery and Trader Joe’s is only a 10
I found myself needing therapy—me!, a full bath. The fully stocked kitchen minute walk away.
who had never believed in mental included all appliances and dishes There’s a cable car and bus stop
health therapy or recovery. I continued needed to cook your own meal, in- right outside the hotel. You can get
with my therapeutic sessions with my cluding a dishwasher for clean-up. a city bus pass fare for up to nine
personal therapist, and to this day, she The living room was spacious. It days for $79 for adults and $56 for
supports me, and my life makes much included a pull-out sofa, table and 4 through 11 year old children. You
more sense with less frustration, stress chairs, flat screen T.V., and Wi-Fi. can purchase a daily hop on hop
and much more confidence. As you There was a rooftop terrace off red 2-decker tour bus pass that
can see, now I can share it with you, where we enjoyed the panoramic stops at 17 different tour locations
him, her, and everyone else. view of the city and the bay. If you for $59 for the day. You could fly
When I attended the Mental need clean clothes, the hotel offers into San Francisco and take a bus
Health First Aid Seminar Training, a coin operated washer or dryer for right to the front door of the hotel.
I realized the importance of these $1.50 a load. The available transportation can
programs. I was impressed that Cal We were able to park our car un- take you to anyplace in San Francis-
State San Marcos student nurses were der the facility for a daily fee of $35. co from the front door of the hotel.
also in attendance right there along- You must reserve this space when If you are wheelchair bound, this
side me. The seminar was such a great you book your room because there hotel offers you easy access in and
experience. I learned much from our are limited spaces available. Don’t out of the hotel.
instructor, Raquel Morrison~Guassac, bring a large truck or SUV, since the The next time you plan a trip to
the Mental Health First Aid program spaces are small. The garage is con- San Francisco, consider staying at
coordinator. venient. There is a door to the garage The Suites @ Fisherman’s Wharf. My
This course is offered regularly by from inside and outdoor accessibility husband and I have always had a
Mental Health America of San Diego with a key. good experience with the activities
County, and the best thing about it is Any pet you may have should be that are at our disposal in the area,
that it is free. You can find the train- left at home since this hotel is not as well as the luxury of staying in a
ing at and pet friendly. If you’re a non-smoker beautiful and comfortable hotel.
via email with Raquel at rmorrison@