Page 45 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 45
Tin Roof in Nashville, I was the She's a Little Bit Country… correcting a short leg syndrome
When we first met at the
(NOTE: If a chiropractor is
"Chiropractor to the Rockstars," for you at a rate of 2-4mm a
adjusting backstage over 600 fa- month, they'd need to adjust
mous bands from Def Leppard, your pelvis three times per week
Weird Al to Journey. She was a at an average of $65/visit. Doing
country music journalist, inter- my S.E.T. Program can reduce
viewing musicians like Taylor your visits to as little as once
Swift, Mel Tillis, and Wynonna a month (Saving you $715 a
Judd. As I sat at the bar eating month) unless there are extenu-
my dinner, it was the repetitive ating conditions along with your
bright laughter filling the atmo- listing.)
sphere of the club that was com- How do you know if you
ing from somewhere over by the have a short leg problem? Easy,
stage that pulled at my attention. look at the wear pattern on the
Getting an occasional glimpse bottom of your shoes. If it's not
through the shifting crowd, my even, you're crooked. Next, go to
curiosity grew as I spotted two a professional who is an expert
girls, both in wheelchairs, ap- in measuring leg length. (Chi-
pearing to be having the most ex- ropractors, P.T.s, and Osteopaths
citing time of their lives! Sparked are trained to do this.) Always
at this fascination, I quickly fin- call ahead and verify they do "leg
ished my dish, as I just had to checks" before your initial vis-
find out their story. it. Once you have your number
I was caught in my curiosi-
(e.g., short right leg 9mm), then
Teri, "See that old guy over there? He's a Little Bit Rock n' Roll! read my book "How To Adjust
ty as Courtney told her friend,
Yourself and Avoid Seeing a Chi-
He keeps looking at us. I bet ropractor" and follow the S.E.T.
he's going to come over here." By Dr. Staten Medsker Program for the right side. It
They were just two best friends will tell you to stretch the right
reviewing the glad times of the tients from Bad Company, For- tated Pelvis/Functional Short hamstring and the left quadricep
past, there to listen to their friend eigner, Santana, Queensryche, Leg Syndrome. Since the average ONLY for starters. I recommend
perform a few country songs. Heart, Air Supply, etc... I finished person has a short leg of about 7 you get remeasured by a profes-
Totally intrigued by Courtney, my second CD, "The Moment – 14mm (1/4 – ½ inch) and this sional at least once a month to
wanting more, and being an ac- of Truth," which was released program corrects 2-4mm per determine how long it's appro-
complished musician myself, in February 2023. This kept my month, then you do the math. priate for you to continue this
I grabbed her friend's guitar, band "RocknDoc and the Back (Remember: Average DOES corrective program.
jumped up on stage, and sang Bones" on top of the charts as NOT equal normal!) How ag- (NOTE: Ladies, it is im-
her a song off my first album the No.1 Christian rock band in gressive you are with the exercis- perative that you get your leg
called "You're the one for me," Seattle. es will determine how much and length measured before you
and the rest is history! Between recording sessions, how fast you balance and level get pregnant! Even in the first
Not long after we were mar- I focused on writing about my your pelvis. (Do you want to few months of pregnancy, there
ried, my father, Staten, Sr. (the passion within my 30-year chi- tighten your braces every week is still time to get your pelvis
man who built the original Bat- ropractic career. Tired of fixing or once a month?) aligned properly. Not correcting
mobile with George Barris), all these rockstars only to have Like braces on teeth, this is a this short leg syndrome com-
suffered a stroke, and we moved my work ruined after they went beginner-level, structural correc- monly results in a "failure to
to Seattle to assist him with his on tour, I created a new exercise tive exercise program to even out progress" diagnosis during birth
recovery. Courtney landed a job routine (the S.E.T. Program – the imbalance that we ALL have and launches you into an "Emer-
as a content writer for a financial Stretch, Exercise, Traction) that and align your pelvis back into a gency C-Section" qualification
company doing what she does could be done on the tour bus neutral, healthy position. Once that can injure your baby. The
best, and being the miracle that or in hotel rooms in as little as your teeth are straightened, the baby tries to get through your
she is (typing over 75 words per 3-5 minutes a day. This S.E.T. braces are removed. Likewise, crooked pelvis and gets hung up,
minute with only one hand), put Program addresses and corrects this corrective exercise program slowing progress and resulting in
out article after article until her the three major postural im- should stop once your pelvis is fetal distress and escalation to an
work (and the company) made balances with which 98% of the centered and balanced. After emergency C-Section, where the
the front page of the Wall Street population is inflicted. 1) Upper your foundation/bones have baby is then retracted reversely
Journal! During this success, in Crossed Syndrome (rounded been stabilized, indulge in any out of the birth canal, putting
an ironic fitting downfall, I suf- shoulders and forward head other exercise program of your traction strain and torque inju-
fered two herniated discs in my posture from looking down and choice. Run if you like to run. ry on your baby's neck. I assure
lower back in a car wreck when slumping over guitars or iPhones Hit the P90x or Pilates programs you, the hospital looks for this
my portable adjusting table flew and computers), 2) Posterior Pel- that are functional and pain- opportunity and doesn't mind
through the air from the min- vic Tilt (tight hamstrings from free. Load and squat confident- getting an extra $50,000 for the
ivan's back seat, smashing me sitting for 12-16 years of school, ly and symmetrically instead of procedure.)
into the dashboard and forcing then reinforced by getting a desk compensating and burning out Courtney and Staten are
me into early retirement. job) and 3) a Rotated Pelvis/ your joints, resulting in hip and successfully tag teaming and
As a true survivor, I fell back Functional Short Leg Syndrome knee replacements. Jump and raising their energetic seven-
on my music career and, with (from falling on your fanny 3,000 play basketball and racket sports year-old, Presley, in Seattle. For
the advice of my publicist, began times before you were 19 years with balanced impact instead of more information regarding Dr.
writing a book. Over the next old; 5,000 if you played sports.) hammering bent nails that result Medsker's books or C.D.s, visit
four years and through COVID, This S.E.T. Program is de- in pulled/torn muscles and liga-
I recorded with over 25 of my pa- signed first to remove the Ro- ments.