Page 5 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 5


                                                                                               2002. (Blurb~2015). Her most
                                                                                               recent book, "Your Thoughts,
                                                                                               Feelings, and Essence Became
                                                                                               Ours." was recently published
                                                                                               (AuthorHouse, 2021).
                                                                                               Maggie is a soul full of spirit and
                                                                                               positive energy to share with the
                                                                                               world. You can find her book on
            Jaime V. Habert        Debbie Storms       Charles Illingworth     Eva Redding     Instagram~Intuitions7471,
        Jaime is the Managing Editor of   Debbie has enjoyed many ca-  Charles frequently writes hu-  Eva was born and raised in the   Facebook~Maggie Ramos,
                                                                                               Tiktok~Maggie Ramos7471
        San Diego Woman and a free-  reers from accountant to air traf-  morous and heartwarming short  Czech Republic. She came to
        lance writer out of Carlsbad, CA.  fic controller. She believes life   stories, and is often quite full of   Southern California as a stu-  Text~760-695-2525
        She loves to document topics of   is an adventure to be lived to its   himself. He seems to take pride   dent and later met her husband.
        health and fitness, entrepreneur-  fullest. Her passion for travel has  in embarrassing his kids and   They have been happily mar-
        ship, and body image.   taken her to many parts of the   grandchildren whenever he can.   ried for 25 years and live in San
                              world. She is now focusing on   In addition to writing numerous   Marcos. Even though English
                              writing about her travels and in-  satirical articles for a local news-  is her second language, she has
                              terviewing entertainers, which is   paper, as well as authoring two   always been drawn to exploring
                              a great combo!       very well written books, so he   it through reading and creative
                                                   says, his goal is to bring joy and   writing. Her favorite is writing
                                                   contentment into his reader's   poetry, mysteries, and travel ar-
                                                   life. He writes under the byline   ticles.
                                                   C F Illingworth.                                 Stephanie Lee
                                                                                               Stephanie Lee is a Weight Loss
              Dawn Nicoli                                                                      Behavior Coach who assists her
        For over 20 years Dawn has                                                             clients in simplifying and clari-
        owned and operated Nicoli                                                              fying where their individual fo-
        Productions, an environmental                                                          cus needs to go on their unique
        portrait studio, run out of her   Sharon Hightower                                     journey to a leaner, healthier,
        two-acre property in Escondi-  Sharon is a native of California,                       and joyful life by creating posi-
        do. Starting a new chapter of her   and has lived in Chicago and                       tive and lasting behavior change
        life, when serenity has become   Guadalajara, MX. She earned          Gail Illingworth  specific to that person. For more
        so important, Dawn spends her   an MA in Teaehing English as   Dr. Staten Medsker  Gail Illingworth was an elemen-  information, visit www.thelee-
        time in her palapa tree house ex-  a Second Language (TESOL)   Dr. Staten Medsker is the Chi-  tary teacher for over 30 years.
        ploring the world of writing.  from CSULA some 20 years ago,   ropractor to over 600 famous   She has enjoyed traveling and
                              but recently completed her MBA  bands. As "RocknDoc and the   taking care of her grandchildren
                              at Point Loma.       Back Bones," he is the No. 1   for the past 18 years. San Fran-
                                                   Christian Rock artist in Seattle,   cisco has always been a favorite
                                                   and his new book "How to Ad-  vacation spot, and Suites @ Fish-
                                                   just Yourself and Avoid Seeing   erman’s Wharf has been her fa-
                                                   a Chiropractor" is on Amazon's   vorite hotel in San Francisco.
                                                   Best Seller list. Visit https://
                                          for more
                                                   information or to order a book                    Dr. Amy Lee
            Shelley Burbank                        and cd.                                     Dr. Amy Lee is an expert in
        Shelley Burbank is an eclectic                                                         weight control, obesity, and nu-
                                                                                               trition. She has given talks for
        writer of fiction and nonfic-  Laya Grace Aichle                                       HBO, Hulu, PBS, and UCLA’s
        tion. She has been published in   Laya Grace Aichle will be at-                        famed “Vital Signs” series and
        various genres. Learn more on   tending Oceanside High School                          has had work on weight control
        her website at www.ShelleyBur-  after the summer with her iden-                        methods published in the med-             tical twin sister, Lana. She’s been             Maggie Ramos     ical journal, Nutrition & Me-
                              writing since she was in second            Maggie Ramos began being   tabolism.
                              grade and enjoys watching and              creative the minute she was
                              performing in musical theater.             born. Maggie's poetry has been
                              She’s practiced and perfected   Rebecca Kordecki  published in "Bohemios por
                              her writing in countless google   Founder of The Breath Zone,   Amor",an anthology of poems,
                              docs and is proud — but very   Rebecca Kordecki, has spent   "Tidepools Publication", com-
                              nervous — to present her pieces   the past 24 years working in the   posed of original art, poetry,
                              to the public for the first time.   fitness and wellness industry,   fiction, and essays. Maggie is a
                              Although her future is bright   first as a celebrity trainer and   poet, photographer, and com-
             Dom Gagliardi    ahead of her, she gets very ner-  massage therapist, fitness am-  plete artist who creates based
                              vous thinking about it, wheth-
                                                   bassador, etc., then as a wellness
                                                                         on emotions. Maggie is high-
        Dom Gagliardi is a San Diego   er it’s just planning another   consultant, podcast host, and   ly intuitive and spontaneously   Grace Fox
        resident who spent 38 years as   babysitting gig or figuring out   speaker. She has helped shape   connects with different people   Grace Fox has lived in San Di-
        an educator, administrator, and   where to go for high school! She   and transform the lives of many   in a spiritual, energetic manner.   ego for over 20 years and has
        professional developer, where   hopes readers find her writing   Hollywood celebrities, high-pro-  Maggie is often published in En-  built a successful career as an
        he had the opportunity to write   inspiring, like she did when she   file athletes, and people from all   glish and Spanish. She has also   international event design-
        many articles and curricula.   was younger. Learning from   walks of life, mainly from the   published a limited edition of   er. She now focuses on writing
        Now in retirement, he has re-  other authors helped guide   outside, in. To learn more, vis-  "Vague Vivid Memories'', a sto-  and spending her time with
        sumed his lifetime pursuit of   Laya’s writing, and she feels truly  it her site at https://thebreath.  rytelling in photography based   her husband and two young
        writing poetry and fiction.   blessed to share it with you.  zone/  on an experience she lived. in   children.
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