Page 9 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 9

Women of Distinction

        to let it know that I will do   what they are looking for in   in the field who call me, and  has answers to help us nav-
        the best I can because that   a psychologist. We will then   we will explore their mo-  igate through some of the
        is all I can do; or do I need   assess what their treatment   tives for entering the field.   toughest challenges we have
        to add a new more compas-  might look like. Together   Remember that listening is   as women.
        sionate voice? Do I need to   we will design the best plan.  perhaps more crucial in this   If you are considering
        develop or reach out to my   We have an opinion on    field. By being quiet and   treatment by a psychologist,
        tribe, my support system, or  what might be needed, but   listening, we often allow our  follow Dr. Romero’s sugges-
        do I just need to sit and do   we want to provide a plan   patients to discover their   tions. Interview potential
        nothing or learn to say no   that they feel will work for   own answers and learn what  doctors and decide who
        to others’ requests of me?  them. Each plan is individ-  resonates with them.”    is the best fit for you. For
           I needed to know        ualized and based on our       Dr. Romero is not only   more information about Dr.
        more about her incredible   patient’s needs.”         a fabulous individual but an   Romero and San Diego Psy-
        practice, San Diego Psycho-   Since San Diego Psy-    outstanding psychologist    chotherapy Associates or to
        therapy Associates. “Anxiety  chotherapy Associates   who truly understands the   schedule an appointment,
        is our specialty with about   has both male and female   issues many of us face. She   contact them at the number
        85% of our patients suf-   patients, I had to ask if there  is real, she cares, and she   below.
        fering from some form of   was a noticeable difference
        anxiety, trauma or depres-  when working with men vs.     Website:
        sion. We see both men and   women. “Generally speak-      Phone: 760 846 0361
        women. Our patients range   ing, men are most invested    Email:
        anywhere from age 13 to    in finding the answer and      Address: San Diego Psychotherapy Associates
        seniors. I think the oldest   want a clearly spelled out   5425 Oberlin Drive, Ste 105
        patient I ever had was in her  strategy to fix the problem.   San Diego, CA 92121
        nineties, phenomenal, still   Women tend to want you      Telehealth Visits are also available
        working on herself. I believe  to get to know them as they
        we still want to be the best   share themselves with you   View her videos on Youtube at:
        version of ourselves, no   and make sure you under-
        matter our age.            stand them before working
           I asked Dr. Romero      on that solution. They want
        what is essential when     you to enter their world and
        selecting a psychologist. “To  understand what it’s like
        be in this field, we get all   from their perspective.
        this education and train-     I asked Dr. Romero                                              LEADERSHIP TEAM  5 TIPS
                                                                                                               to Avoid
                                                                                                      BALLET’S NEW
                                                                                                      “The Nutcracker”
        ing, but the reality is one of   what suggestions she would
        the most important things   provide to those wanting to                                       GIFT GUIDE
        when you select a psycholo-  become a psychologist. “My                                       INSIDE
        gist is not only do they have   first suggestion would be to                                  Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions   Location: City Lights Collectibles
        a good education, training   enter therapy yourself. Find
        and reputation but is it a   out why you are choosing                                         LONNIE
        good match for you person-  this career. Is this for selfish                                  MURRAY
                                                                                                      A Special Brand
                                                                                                      of Sports Agent
        ally? You won’t open up to   reasons? Is it because you
        the therapist if you don’t feel  really feel like you could be                                       FREEZING
        mutual respect. I suggest to   helpful? I genuinely believe                                   PEARLS    PARTIES?
        those considering therapy   that this is a field that you
        that you don’t just pick a   should not even attempt to
        therapist/psychologist off a   join if you have not cleaned                                     CITADEL PENN
                                                                                                        Creating a Beautiful Life
        list. Do your research and   up your own psychological
        then a conversation with   and emotional well-being.                                          Cover Photo By Monique Hoppe. Fashion Design by Kenneth Barlis.
        the psychologists you are   When you go into therapy,
        considering even if on the   you learn a lot about your-
        phone to ensure that you   self, which is so important.
        feel like they will respect   Then find a mentor which is            KIKO                     Holiday    Maybin
        you and are invested in your  such a gift in choosing a ca-          Chief Operating Officer  Salem  Guides  SPEAKER
                                                                             Doctor Multimedia
                                                                                            C2 GROUP
        well-being.”               reer. Talk with as many peo-  Cover Photo By Nikkie Achartz of Snap Savvy Strategies   EXPANDED
           “When potential pa-     ple in the field as possible              Cover Photo By Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions  ISSUE  Cover Photo By Paul Douda Photography    TOP WOMEN
        tients come into our office,   to get different perspectives.   Power Women        in REAL ESTATE  Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions
        we discuss their goals and   I’ve had several new people
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