Page 7 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 7

Women of Distinction

              uring the 16 years I
              have been running
       DSan Diego Wom-
        an Magazine, I have been
        honored to interview some
        of the most amazing women.
        Dr. Rita Romero certainly
        fits into this category. Dr.
        Romero has received many
        well-deserved honors from
        the patients she has helped
        over the years and the com-
        munity here in San Diego
        and was selected as one
        of the top three best rated
        psychologists in San Diego
        both in 2022 and 2023. We
        now honor her as a Woman
        of Distinction for San Diego
        Woman Magazine.
           As CEO of San Diego
        Psychotherapy Associates,
        Dr. Romero is a licensed
        psychologist heading up a                Dr. Rita Romero, PhD
        practice with four psycholo-
        gists in various specialties to                         By Judith A. Habert
        help meet the needs of San
        Diegans. “I am a licensed                         Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions
        psychologist myself and have
        an amazing staff of female   in that stage of questioning   Having experienced the in-  how easy it is to become
        psychologists, not to men-  the status quo, and 20 years   timate details of growing up   so focused on profession-
        tion an incredible support   of child held beliefs, or I may  with a family member with   al goals you can comprise
        staff. We feel privileged to   have just stayed stuck there   mental illness, Dr. Romero   personal relationships and
        walk hand in hand with     in the comfort of familiarity.  feels more in tune with the   health which is what I did
        many patients on a week-   I love San Diego and com-  struggles that some of her   while pursuing my Master’s
        ly basis hearing intimate   pleted my undergraduate   patient’s experience. I feel   degrees (and this was before
        details about them and their   and graduate degrees here   very fortunate to have found  I was married or had chil-
        relationships, supporting or   with 12 years in Northern   a career that gives me such   dren.) Later when returning
        teaching them how to resolve  CA.                     a sense of meaning and pur-  for my doctorate and now
        past traumas when appro-      I asked Dr. Romero if she  pose. “Carl Jung, the influen- being married with two
        priate; how to effectively   always knew she wanted to   tial Swiss psychiatrist, refers   children, I was more invested
        confront current challenges,   become a psychologist. “Yes,  to humans being born with   in developing better strate-
        utilize existing strengths or   human behavior has always   a life force, a life energy that   gies to balance the multiple
        develop new coping strate-  intrigued me. I was fascinat-  needs to be expressed. My   roles.”
        gies to successfully navigate   ed studying what challenges   work as a psychologist is a   “As women, I think
        this adventure called life”  or blocks us and what moti-  perfect way for me to express  sometimes we can get so
           Born on the outskirts   vates us to move past those   that energy both for my own  caught up in doing for others
        of Los Angeles in a little   blocks. I also grew up with a  and others’ transformation”.   that we sometimes sacrifice
        town called San Gabriel, Dr.   brother who was mentally ill;   Dr. Romero says many   our own health”, Dr. Romero
        Romero has had the pleasure  it was traumatic for him and  patients come into therapy   referenced a study done in
        of recently returning for   my family. However, with the  because they are feeling   2013 by the Pew Research
        reunions with classmates,   right professional guidance   overwhelmed emotionally   Center. The study’s find-
        some of whom never left    and support, I found it is   and physically by trying to   ings said that women, more
        this small town. “Being back  possible to transform trauma  balance the multiple profes-  than men, have difficulty
        home, I thought how im-    into resiliency, growth, and   sional and personal demands  balancing all the roles they
        portant it was for me to leave  empathic understanding of   we all have. She says, “I know  undertake. “I don’t know
        in my early 20’s when I was   others who face challenges.”   from personal experience   why, but we think we can do

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