Page 26 - Pat Brown (1)
P. 26

Success in a Challenging Real Estate Market

      SDW: There is a mixed perception of real estate right now. Many   of the very first Nextage Realty franchise in San Diego. The doors
      people come from the “doom and gloom” school of thought and   of Nextage Pacific Realty opened in October of last year in Pt.
      feel that despite bank bail-outs and government intervention,   Loma. Melissa Day is a licensed Realtor and is also responsible
      the housing market is destined to take forever to recover. Many   for Business Development for their office.
      Realtors are struggling to earn a living built on an unstable income
      and declining market. Then there are those who look at the bright   They are both actively building their team here in San Diego,
      side of things and see the tremendous opportunity in today’s real   but also have a vision of expanding all over the country. In two
      estate market. Investors are diving in with both feet because they   short years, there are already over 80 Nextage Realty franchises
      realize that fortunes are made in markets like this. They are like   nationwide! What is even more impressive is that as they build on
      kids in a candy store, while others are hesitant or afraid to jump   their success, they are passionate about giving back. For every
      into the market. Wouldn’t you agree that it’s more fun to hang out   transaction closed, they donate a portion of their commission to
      with the people who look at the glass as half full rather than half   their client’s charity – in their client’s name. If a client doesn’t have
      empty?                                                 a charity they support, Linda donates to the Helen Woodward


                                                             Foundation since she is an animal lover and Melissa supports the
                                                             Joyful Heart Foundation in honor of her sister who is a survivor of
      Consider these statistics:                             domestic abuse.

      • There were over 5 million existing homes sold in the United  The time is right for building a real estate business as we enter the
         States in 2010.                                     next age of real estate!
      • That approached $1 trillion in total home sales volume.  You’re in for a treat as these two successful Realtors share their
      • These sales generated over $40 billion in total real estate   journey and some of their secrets to success that has lead them
         commissions paid.                                   to a place where they are thriving in what some people consider a
                                                             challenging real estate market.
      We had the pleasure of meeting two very savvy women who see
      the glass as overflowing – and who have found a way to capture   SDW: Tell us a little bit about your journey that lead you to where
      more of the $40 billion that is being earned in the real estate in-  you are today.
      dustry without working harder! Not only are they passionate about
      what they do in real estate, they have seized the bull by its horns   Linda: I’ve been in the real estate business now for over 20 years.
      and are gaining momentum as they build a real estate business   During this time, I have accumulated extensive sales experience
      that will provide them with an end game. These ladies are actually   in California, Arizona, Hawaii, Belize, Mexico, and Costa Rica. I
      having fun with their success in an industry where others are still   have enjoyed tremendous success; including being Prudential’s
      “waiting to see” what happens. Linda Pasas is the Broker/Owner   #1 Agent in California for closed transactions two years in a
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