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Happy Catfish Month!

      By Rob Weinberg

     Did you know July is Ice Cream Month? In September we’ll celebrate   consumers celebrate.
     Chicken Month, as well as Coupon Month.                  Florists will sell more
     And I LOVE toasting the arrival of Dinosaur Month in October…don’t   nosegays. Nestle will
     you?                                                     make candy nose
     June is Turkey Lovers Month, which comes right on the heels of Egg   rings for kids.
     Month and Emergency Medical Services Week.               Voilá – instant holiday.
     OH BOY!                                                  Impossible? Consider-
     At our house we just celebrated Juggling Day (6/18) and are still   ing this is how Sec-
     participating in (my personal favorite) Wine Month.      retary’s Day (created
     Sure, we still have traditional holidays like Independence Day. But   in 1952), Bosses Day
     courtesy of the marketing world, you can also now enjoy Grapefruit   (1958), and Grand-
     Month (February); Frozen Food Day (March 6); and Donut Day (June   parents Day (1973)
     3).                                                      began, I think not.
     Creating your own holiday is where the real marketing action is these   Each was invented by
     days. Who could possibly forget Book Blitz Month (January); Brain   a marketing profes-
     Awareness Week (March 12-18) or Picnic Day (April 16)?   sional, and are all
     No, I’m NOT kidding!                                     now as integrated into
     The mattress manufacturers recognize more beds sell during Better   society as Mother’s Day is.
     Sleep Month (formerly “May”). Consumers will buy more junk food   Selling a new holiday to the public takes time, resources and a com-
     during Snack Food Month (February).                      mitment to proper development and implementation. But I’m guess-
     Of course, “Snack Food Month” should probably be called “Junk   ing that, if handled properly, even “Acne Week” could be up and
     Food Month”, but I’m suspecting there might be a branding conflict   running before we celebrate another American Teddy Bear Day.
     there.                                                   Anyone up for the challenge?
     So should you care about Candy Month or National Tie Month?
     Perhaps, since you may want to create your own holiday to increase   Rob Weinberg is a Madison Avenue veteran and principal of The
     your company’s sales. Here’s how you might start.        MarketBuilding Team – a strategic marketing firm based in Rancho
     1) Buy 100,000 nose rings on ebay.                       Bernardo, CA. You can get his advice through a free newsletter, a
 30  2) Announce online “National Nose Ring” Month is coming in Novem-  weekly marketing advice column, or by hiring him as a part-time mar-
     ber. Have a “Two for one” sale to encourage holiday shopping.  keting executive. You’ll find him online at
     3) Announce this national nasal decoration celebration to the tradi-
     tional media and through social media.
     4) Create alliances with related retailers (tattoo parlors, etc.) target-
     ing similar customers.
     Wholesale your rings to
     these other merchants
     to increase your sell-
     5) Find events to piggy-                      NETWORK
     back on. Note how Des-
     sert Month and National
     Cookie Month (both
     October) interact.            Get away for a full weekend            Networking Meeting will meet the
     6) Contact potential co-                                             last Monday night of each month!
     beneficiaries (i.e. skin       hosted by Bobbye &Tonilee
     cleansers, Kleenex) to                                                      Time: 6:30 - 8:30pm
     promote this “holiday”.
     7) Jointly market the      THE GET-AWAY                                Where: Bistro West Restaurant
     celebration of all par-                                                     (]LUPKH ,UJPUHZ ‹ *HYSZIHK
     ticipating businesses to   RETREAT                                            For more information go to
     their respective customer                                  
     bases. Offer a discount                                                     July 25, August 29, September 26,
     on each partner’s mer-                                                        October 31, November 28
     chandise or services,     Moving On
     encouraging cross-mar-
     keting to each others’
     customer lists.                                 October 28-30
     Next year repeat each
     step. Over five years the
     public will accept Na-          Ayers Hotel, Costa Mesa, CA
     tional Nose Ring Month,        $199 (Includes 2 nights stay & 4 meals)
     then expect it. Hallmark     Limited space. $50 non-refundable deposit
     will create cards to help
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