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safety to a huge degree. I enjoy the level of care my associates provide to
Judith Jones-Cone ensure our clients’ peace of mind, and gain their loyalty and trust.”
When asked what advice she would give for young women starting out in
business today she responds, “What is important for young women to know
today is that the world expects you to do it all…family and work. This is
tough. If young women elect to have children and have a career, they need
to make sure they have a husband that allows them to invest personal time
at work and home. Their husband needs to fill in when they are not able to
meet the needs of their children. Having children is such a blessing. But
it’s important to remember to structure your situation so that you and your
husband have primary influence in your children’s lives.”
A deeply religious and spiritual woman, Judith has found a balance
between business and spiritual growth. “I believe networking is important.
I have groups I support and attend for spiritual growth and business learn-
ing. Daily Disciples, founded by Tonilee Adamson and Bobbye Brooks, has
The images of a undergirded me with knowledge and strength from their Bible studies over
waving American flag, the last few years. I also have attended Lexus Leader groups consisting
children’s smiling of other dealers from around the world as well as Toyota Twenty Groups.
faces, and beautiful These contacts have provided encouragement through difficult times.
landscapes are clearly We all have shared challenges and can, as a result, share the solutions.
visible as you drive Owners need to be with other owners to give and receive at a level that
south along the I5 free- is meaningful.” Judith strives to empower her leaders to perform well not
way from Escondido to only in the day-to-day functions of an automotive dealership, but also in is-
downtown San Diego. sues outside of our vocation that speak to faith, character, ethics, integrity,
For those of us who are and caring for their guests and associates.
locals, we know that these images are a somewhat new addition, thanks to
the huge 48’x 27’ LED Lexus Digital Screen, which was erected along with
the Super Luxury Lexus Dealership in Escondido in December of 2009. With a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism/Advertising and a Certificate in
What most of us do not know is that this dealership is woman owned. Public Relations from The Louisiana State University School of Journalism,
and completion of The General Manager Program of the National Automo-
Judith Jones-Cone is the president of three of the largest and most presti- bile Dealer Academy in 1997, Judith understands the unique skill set need-
gious car dealerships in San Diego. She owns Toyota Carlsbad and Lexus ed to promote and grow her business. “Even though I never advanced
Carlsbad as well as her Escondido Lexus dealership. The Lexus Center is through the ranks to receive this position, I have spent over 30 years with
the largest dealership in San Diego at 300,000 square feet. It contains two these automotive agencies ensuring their stability, providing the necessary
meeting rooms, a top floor deck for weddings, conferences, and special tools to get the job done, acquiring property for expansion, and building
events, a cyber café, and a business center. There is also a golf simula- new ways to improve sales, service and delivery of our product. But, most
tor to help pass the time for customers getting their car serviced, a library importantly, it is the building of relationships that support the management
and children’s play area, and a second floor with 5,000 square feet of retail team at all three automotive agencies that I worked hardest on” San Diego
space. Woman
The success and well deserved respect that Judith has garnered, not
San Diego restaurateurs David and Lesley Cohn have recently signed a only among her employees but also her peers, shows that a woman can
10-year lease with Lexus Escondido to open their newest restaurant on achieve whatever she sets out to achieve. “The success anyone sees in
the dealership's third floor in February. It will seat 200 customers and will Toyota Carlsbad, Lexus Carlsbad and Lexus Escondido comes from the 3
occupy 10,000 square feet. stewardship of many talented persons over the resources gifted to me by
It took an innovative forward thinking woman to accomplish such a goal,
which is only one of many great qualities that Judith possesses. In a For Judith it isn’t only about work. Her philanthropic nature abounds and
business that has recently seen tough times, Judith has realized that there she finds much joy in helping to provide children a healthy and loving
should be more to selling a car than just the sales experience. She works environment in which to grow. She especially feels the need to help those
to enhance the ownership of the vehicle in addition to the sales experience. who cannot defend themselves from war, famine, abuse and disease. She
Being a woman in a primarily male industry is not always easy and it took is a strong advocate of healthy youth groups and after school activities
Judith some time to believe she belonged. Judith admits, “As a woman, I to keep children focused on positive goals and help them avoid taking
had to overcome my own personal fears that I didn’t belong in this industry, negative paths. Her dealerships have supported many organizations with
nor did I have the skills to bring success to my organization.” similar goals. Judith adds, “We have supported the Boys and Girls Club of
Carlsbad for many years. We just made a donation to their second largest
One has to wonder what drives a woman to work in such a competitive, fundraising event: The Annual Bocce Ball Tournament. The Armed Services
testosterone driven business. We found out that Judith did not plan to be YMCA of the USA (Camp Pendleton) is especially important to us. We
in this industry. She explains how her fate was sealed, “I am not sure I are supporting their Pre-school program. Casa de Amparo, the home for
picked the automotive business. I believe the field narrowed down to me. abused children, has received support from us for many years as well. We
My college senior class project was to create an advertising campaign are building a relationship with The Escondido Library Literacy Program
for Toyota Motor Sales, Inc. The company made a grant to many col- to support family literacy which helps parents read to their children so the
leges to create a competition to award money to the college with the best family can learn English together.”
campaign. I, then took that campaign to a San Diego advertising agency
seeking employment. I was hired. Lou Jones, Founder of Toyota Carlsbad One of the elements to Judith’s success is understanding that in order to
and Lexus Carlsbad, later hired me to manage the advertising programs for make a difference you have to be willing to make mistakes. She closed with
his automotive agencies. We formed Try “J” Advertising, Inc. We fell in love the following words of wisdom, “Mistakes can lead you to a better place of
and got married. He entrusted me with the automotive agencies upon his understanding and growth, especially if it results in permanently correcting
death.” the mistake so it never happens again. We should all take more risks. We
should never give up striving for betterment in ourselves and for others.”
Judith is very grateful for her many dedicated employees and takes very
seriously the position she holds. As she notes, “There are many things I Judith Jones-Cone has definitely proven that all things are possible if
enjoy about the automotive business. It provides transportation represent- you are willing to work hard, have faith, and treat those around you with
ing the second largest purchase most people make, with their home being respect, kindness, patience and love.
the largest. Therefore, this industry needs to focus on its clients’ care and