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                                                Taryn Bates          Dawn Standke           Lisa K Miller
                                                                                            Photography by Lisa K
                                                Taryn is a college student   Dawn Standke is a garden   Lisa is the owner of Photography by
                                                studying Literature and   designer and University   Lisa K, a custom portrait studio located
                           Rob Weinberg                              of California Cooperative
       Robert Tussey       Rob is president of The   Writing at California State   Extension Master Gardener   T  in Rancho Penasquitos, specializing in
                                                University San Marcos.
        Robert has been a   MarketBuilding Team, has   After spending two years   volunteer.  She has been gar-  the highest quality portraiture. As the
                                                                                            mother of twins, Lisa shines at capturing
        published writer for over   written two books on mar-  studying English Education at   dening in San Diego for the   HO  moments in pregnancy and early life. She
        thirty years and has been   keting, and authors a free   Northern Arizona University,   past 18 years.  Contact her at   shares her talents with many local chari-
        providing editing services   marketing advice column   she decided to return to San  P  ties by volunteering her  photographic
        for the past twenty-five.  As   called Ask Mr. Marketing.   Diego. Born and raised in              services.
        a musician he has written   You can subscribe to his free   North County, she plans to
        scores of songs.  His life   marketing newsletter at www.  teach high school English                Joanna
        has revolved around his  after graduation. She is a                           Pompilio
        music and writing, often                published author, and is ex-                                has written
        melding the two into articles           cited to break into the world                               professionally
        and interviews.                         of journalism. She currently                                since 1999
                                                resides in Rancho Bernardo.                                 and is a regu-
                                                                                                            lar contributor
                                                                                                            to various
                                                                    Shelli Chosak, Ph.D.                    service
                                                                     Shelli has been active in              magazines
                                                                     the field of Organizational            across the
                                                                     Consulting and Psychother-  Joanna Pompilio  country. Regu-
                                                                     apy for the past 25 years, and  lar features include topics ranging from
                            Kim Robeson                              holds a Ph.D. in Organiza-  fashion, beauty, health and fitness, and
                            Kim has been teaching Eng-               tional Psychology. She has   home decor. She graduated cum laude with
                                                                                         Bachelors of Arts in journalism and gender
                            lish for almost twenty years,            been listed in Who’s Who in   studies from American University. The New   San Diego
                            first in Athens, Greece; then            America, and Who’s Who in   York native recently interviewed  screen icon   Woman
                            in the San Diego Community               American Women      Raquel Welch, Dr. Nancy Snyderman from
                            College system and most
       Carol LeBeau         recently in Lima, Peru where   Sudi Moein, M.D.,  F.A.C.O.G.,   the "Today Show" and Judge Marilyn Milan
                                                                                         from "The People's Court".
       Carol LeBeau spent close   she returned after six years   Sudi Moein, M.D.,
       to 30 years as a beloved   with her husband and three   F.A.C.O.G., is the founding
       fixture on San Diego News.    bulldogs. She has a Master’s   physician of the Women’s In-            Jennifer is the
       Today she is enjoying her   Degree in Comparative Liter-  tegrative Center for Obstetrics            proud stay at
       retirement, as well as a   ature from San Diego State   and Gynecology (WICOG)                       home mother
                                                in Poway and Hillcrest. An
       second career as an in de-  University and is currently                                              of her four
       mand speaker at functions   working on her first novel  award-winning surgeon,                       year- old son.
       throughout San Diego. In                 she advocates integrative                                   She has a BA
       addition to her many speak-              medicine: inspired by her                                   in Psychol-
       ing engagements, Carol is                own in-depth journey through                                ogy, a Masters
                                                a woman's mind, body,
       a columnist for San Diego                                     Deanna Bates                           Degree in
       Woman speaking about life                and spirit, Dr. Sudi brings   Deanna has been an educator   Clinical Social
       after her news career.                   together information from   in the San Diego area for over   Work, and a teaching certification in yoga.
                                                many disciplines in order to   twenty years.  She currently   Jennifer has enjoyed writing for many years
                                                comprehensively understand   teaches third grade.
                                                                     In midlife, she has returned to   and her styles include non-fiction, children’s
                                                and improve women’s health               books, and poetry.  Jennifer has contributed
                                                and well-being.      her first love - writing.  She is   to local publications and is currently working
                                                                     working on a series of poems
                                                                     and stories based on her life   on a children’s book series as well as a book
                                                                     experiences.        on parenting.
                                                                     Deanna resides with her hus-
                                                                     band, teenage daughter, and
                                                                     three very spoiled pets, all of   Now find us on:
                            Diana Vahedi                             whom provide her with endless
                                                                     writing inspiration!
                           Diana has been teaching
                           reading and writing to adults
                           and children for over 13
                           years.  She began writing
                           poetry when she was 14                               
       Jennifer Foultz     years old. She is currently
                           working on two children’s   Jaime V. Habert
        Jennifer is a published poet   books, “Layla Saves the   Jaime is a music enthusiast
        and freelance writer. Her   Jumbos” and “Mommy   whose favorite genres   Kathy Rudlin
        love of literature lead her to   Kisses Never Come Off” as   include jazz vocals, and   As a therapist, writer, and
        the high school classroom   well as a book of poetry and   classical crossover.  She has   parent Kathy is a passionate
        and she is now going into   short stories entitled, “My   plans to pursue a degree in   advocate for teens,
        her ninth year of teaching.    Alter Ego: How I Survived   journalism and media.  She   believing they need strong
        She has earned a BA in   Seventh Grade as a Walking   is a freelance writer, who   role modeling and support
        English Literature from San   Lightning Rod.  She current-  takes every opportunity to   during this important
        Francisco State University   ly lives in San Diego County   write about the subject she   transition into adulthood.
        and a MA in Education from   and teaches elementary   loves.  Jaime resides with her   Currently, she educates
        UoP.               school in La Jolla.   family in Rancho Bernardo,   parents through her articles
                                                California.          on
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