Page 12 - Pat Brown (1)
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they take time regularly for their families. Ardo also said that they   that establishes  resources and time tables as well as risk aver-
     have a family like relationship with their clients. Often going to wed-  sion.  The women clients of course participate in the process and
     dings, baptisms, and family events of various kinds. In short they   approve their profile. The client is then offered various compensa-
     are involved with their clients of which 48% are women.  They also   tion arrangements and they choose the one that they are the most
     did some research and found out what we keep preaching and that   comfortable following.  How do you maintain a productive relation-
     is women are involved in 91% of all financial decisions (courtesy   ship with your women clients, we asked? They said they prefer to
     of Women's Regional Publications of America). So they have been   talk on the phone  regularly and in person as often as possible.
     growing their women base clientele naturally. They do not target   Ardo said that he wants to see their facial expression and look them
     women directly. They receive referrals from women, through trusted   in the eye to see how they feel about a problem or a recommenda-
     professionals and educational events. For many women, hiring a fi-  tion. Dax added that they organize small events with their clients,
     nancial advisor is a daunting task.  This is especially so when there   a high tea or a wine pairing are some examples.  Additionally, they
     is a divorce or death of a spouse and, of course, financial calami-  provide, through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, quality information
     ties. Many do not want someone to tell them what to do. They want   on various financial matters. Topics include how to assess risk or
     choices in a collaborative environment. Women business owners   how to manage your wealth, just to name a few. (Contact them at
     want the same thing.  So we asked Dax and Ardo how they give   619 236 1331 for a complete list of their reports.) To us it seems
     women what they want in the financial areas of their lives. They   that Dax and Ardo have combined old school ethics with contempo-
     answered that their first step is to help their clients to establish their   rary financial know how.
     needs, both short term and long term.  They then create a profile

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