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be taken to serve each
senior as a true indi-
Another woman at the
helm of this organiza-
tion is Cheryl Wilson,
the CEO of St. Paul’s
Senior Homes and
Services. Carol spoke
highly of Ms. Wilson
and all she had done for
St. Paul’s PACE... St.
Paul’s PACE is un-
doubtedly a great place
for low-income seniors
who qualify, and at the
heart of this organiza-
tion are strong women
like Carol Hubbard and
Cheryl Wilson.
Carol, a breast cancer
survivor since 2001,
a survivor of closing
one’s beloved business,
a survivor of tough
times who describes
her leadership style as
calm and honest with
an emphasis on “doing
the right thing” is indeed
a woman to be admired.
Because of the cancer
and other challenges,
she has learned to let
14 go of the “small stuff.”
She realized what was most important to her is family, patient care, and music; when playing her sax or flute and taking care of others,
she is fulfilled. With a supportive husband and a satisfying career, Carol has found balance and contentment in her life. Meeting Carol
Hubbard, with her friendly and forward-thinking management skills, one senses that organizations like St. Paul’s PACE are all the
stronger for having people like her in a leadership role.
There is no doubt with women like Cheryl Wilson and Carol Hubbard at the forefront, seniors in our community can be taken care of
in a compassionate, dedicated manner. To reach more seniors in need of such care, new facilities in South and East County are being
planned and will, hopefully, be in operation within the next twelve months.
The many smiles I encountered on my visit and the overall charm of the facility made St. Paul’s PACE a place where frail, low-income
seniors can indeed receive “Hope, Dignity, Independence, Pride, Joy, and Family.”
For more information, visit or call (619) 677-3800.
Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary
Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary meets for breakfast
every Tuesday 7-8:30am at the Country Club of
Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Rd. San Diego,
Ca. 92128 (next to Rancho Bernardo Inn).
The Club is involved in local community and
international projects. For more information call
Jana Markley, Membership Chairman at 858-613-4656