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cameras and the excitement of rehearsing.  The microphone no   and what’s going on in the community. I’m very blessed to have
       longer scared me and the experience awakened some talent I   that connection with people.”
       didn’t even know I had!”
        Pat has little tolerance for people who criticize beauty pageants.
       “They can expose a girl to new experiences,” Pat explained.  “It
       changed the direction of my life.”   She put her teaching dream on
       hold to give TV a try.                                      More “stuff” you may not
       Before breaking into television, Pat worked at the Washington
       Post while earning her degree in Communications from American   know about Pat Brown:
       University in Washington, DC. A year out of college, Pat landed her
       first on-air job on Dayton, Ohio’s PM Magazine. As co-host, she
       introduced local and national segments for the popular TV maga-
       zine show.                                                  1.  Weekend job?  “I’m a tour guide with San
                                                                   Diego-based “Day Trippers.”
       In 1985, Pat moved from chilly Minneapolis to sunny San Diego to
       co-host San Diego’s “PM.”  For five years, Pat partnered with Dave
       Hood on the highly-rated nightly show.  “I loved PM Magazine be-  2. Favorite sport?  “Scuba diving…especially
       cause of its positive influence,” said Pat.  “In an era before tabloid   at night with the manta rays off the Big Island
       TV, it was fun.”                                            of Hawaii!”

       When PM Magazine was cancelled at the national level, Pat
       weighed her options and decided to try something new…as long   3. Best adventures?  Soloing a single-engine
       as she could stay in San Diego.  She decided to give radio a try.    plane, piloting a blimp and sky-diving.
       An opening on the weekend shift at KYXY Radio led to Pat’s next
       reinvention.   The new challenge included operating an audio board
       for the first time.  “I was a nervous wreck!” Pat recalled.  But the   4. Most fun?   “Roller Coasters.  I’ll travel most
       gutsy move led to a full-time radio gig.   Pat’s sunny disposition was   anywhere to ride a great roller coaster!”
       a perfect match for host Sonny West, with whom Pat co-hosted the
       popular KYXY morning show for five years.                   5. Top health tip?  “Sleep!”

       Her life’s biggest game-changer came when she turned 40. “It was
       a reflective time in my life,” says Pat. Her passion to teach still   6. Favorite free-time activities?  “Sleep….and
       burning, Pat took what she calls a “leap of faith.”  She left her radio   reading, books or Kindle…doesn’t matter. I
       job and went back to school to earn her teaching credential.   love to dive into another world!”                San Diego

       Eleven months later, Pat’s audience went from thousands of listen-                                                Woman
       ers during morning drive to a roomful of fifth graders all day.  But   7. I’m happiest… “with my good friends and
       she had finally realized her dream.  “I couldn’t believe I had my own   sweet kitties “Romeow” and “Buddy!”
       classroom,” exclaimed Pat. “I loved my kids.”                                                                 19
                                                                   8. On being 50-something?  “I feel better now
       But, she admits, she still loved TV.  Two years later, while teach-  than I did in my 20’s!
       ing at Skyline Elementary in Solana Beach, Pat got an offer she
       couldn’t refuse…broadcasting the weather on NBC 7/39.  She
       took the job in 2000 and in 2006 was promoted to the week night   9. On being known as “perky” Pat?  “I prefer
       anchor position, becoming the first female main weather anchor in   “positive” or “optimistic.”
       San Diego.  In addition, Pat holds the distinction of being only one
       of 4 on-air personalities who have been on all three major network
       affiliates in San Diego, ABC 10 News KGTV, NBC 7/39, and CBS   10. On giving back?  “I work with the MS
       8 KFMB.  The other three are Marty Levin, Margaret Radford and   Society, Alzheimer’s Association, Burn Insti-
       Jody Hammond.                                               tute, and I read to students at Ericson Elemen-
                                                                   tary school every week.
       Pat’s warm and friendly on-air style won her a strong local follow-
       ing.  When Pat left the station, she says she was “blown away” by
       the hundreds of e-mails from her viewers…clearly upset by her   11. About breakfast?  “Never miss it!  I make
       departure. “They were so personal,” says Pat. “What better compli-  the best pancakes…with chopped pecans in
       ment than to have people consider you their friend!”        the batter with REAL maple syrup!”

       Her new bosses hope Pat’s “friends” will follow her to 10News. “Pat
       blends her forecasting skills with a friendly nature that’s not just an   12. Isn’t San Diego’s weather always the
       on-camera act,” says KGTV VP and General Manager Jeff Block.   same?  “Anyone who lives here knows that’s
       “San Diego trusts Pat Brown to forecast the weather, but she’s also   not true!”
       a great person with incredible warmth and personality.  She fits
       right in with Kim, Steve, Hal and the entire 10News team.”

       And for someone who loves to talk about the weather, it’s a perfect
       fit for Pat, too. “I can just be myself and talk to viewers unscripted,
       one-on-one,” says Pat. “I love relating the weather to people’s lives
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