Page 18 - Pat Brown (1)
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     Much to the delight of her faithful fans, TV’s Pat Brown is
     back on the weather desk… full-time!  You can find Pat’s
     sunny smile and trusted forecasts on 10News weeknights at
     5, 6, 7 and 11…as she guides her viewers through the cold
     fronts, high-pressure systems and Doppler radar images
     that affect San Diego’s weather.

     While the folks at KGTV are thrilled that Pat is now part   overly bothered by the winds of change.  At 50-something, the pe-
     of the team…no one’s happier than the winsome weathercaster   tite blond with laser-like focus continues to reinvent herself:  From
     herself.  “I feel so grateful for this opportunity,” says Pat.  “I have   TV magazine anchor…to morning radio host… to 5th grade school
     another chance to do what I love to do and I don’t take that lightly.”  teacher… to trusted weathercaster… Pat knows how to recognize
                                                             and seize an opportunity.
     Because of personnel changes at NBC 7/39, Pat left in 2009, after
     nine years of broadcasting the weather.   She’d been acting as   Pat loves to talk about the opportunity that came from an unex-
     10News’ fill-in weather anchor the last 18 months.  With the depar-  pected source…a college beauty pageant.  Nominated by the girls
     ture of Byron Miranda to KNBC in Los Angeles, Pat was perfectly   in her dorm, Pat reluctantly entered the Miss Shepherd College’s
     positioned to move into his vacant slot at KGTV.        beauty pageant in 1976.  She took runner-up in the contest, but
                                                             when the winner was unable to participate in the state pageant, the
     I met up with Pat recently at Crystal Pier Hotel and Cottages in   school sent Pat as their representative in the Miss West Virginia
     Pacific Beach…where my friend and media colleague was enjoy-  pageant.  “I thought it would be fun, “she told herself. “I won’t win.”
     ing a weekend at the beach before starting her new gig.   “Isn’t this   But she DID win!  And the new Miss West Virginia was on her way
     amazing,” exclaimed Pat, pointing out the view of the pounding   to the Miss USA Pageant.  That’s where Pat’s life took a surprising
     surf from her room…using the same grand flourish she’s famous   turn.
     for as she follows the jet stream’s flow on the evening news!  “I’ve
     always wanted to stay in one of these cottages,” she gushed.  It   Self-described as studious and “bookish,” Pat says her child-
     was vintage Pat Brown…enjoying life…looking forward to a new   hood dream was to teach school.  “I used to play ‘teacher’ in the
     job and crossing off another item from her “bucket list.”    basement at home,” said Pat.  But Bob Barker and 60 million TV
                                                             viewers opened a brand new world for her….but it wasn’t all good
      Pat’s not one to wait for life to happen.  While Santa Ana winds   for the ego.  “I was 5’4”!  I didn’t have a chance! I was the shortest
     may get her adrenaline pumping, my perennially positive pal is not   woman in the pageant!”  But Pat excelled in the pageant interview
                                                             and the rest is history.   “I was fascinated with the lights and
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