Page 17 - Pat Brown (1)
P. 17

Now, if ‘glop’ isn’t your thing…not to worry!   Here’s a list of healthy
                                                                and easy breakfast options.  One is sure to be right for you:
          Transitions with Carol LeBeau
                                                                * Cooked oatmeal with almonds or dried cranberries
       Breakfast….                                              * Cold cereal with a side of fruit
                                                                * A whole wheat pita stuffed with hard-boiled eggs
                                                                * Leftover vegetable pizza (seriously!)
                                               My Mom was       * Vegetables, salsa and low-fat shredded cheese wrapped in a
                                               big on break-       tortilla
                                               fast.  Maybe it   * A smoothie blended from fruits, low-fat yogurt and a spoonful of
                                               was just an Iowa     wheat germ
                                               thing, but every   * Whole-wheat crackers with low-fat cheese or peanut butter
                                               morning we       * Veggie omelet and toast
                                               awakened to the   * A whole-wheat sandwich with lean meat and low-fat cheese
                                               aroma of fresh-  * Multigrain pancakes with fruit and yogurt
                                               brewed coffee    * A whole-grain waffle with peanut butter
                                               and the begin-
                                               nings of a boffo   So, whether you tend to stick with traditional breakfast options or
                                               breakfast; eggs,   prefer the variety of eating “outside the (cereal) box,” you have
                                               buttered toast or   plenty of ways to eat a healthy breakfast each day.  Just make sure
                                               English muffins,   you incorporate the core of a healthy breakfast…whole grains, low-
                                               oatmeal, oj and   fat protein, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables.
                                               fruit.   It was just
                                               part of our family   So, don’t rob yourself of the opportunity to eat more vitamins and
                                               routine.         minerals, eat less fat, have better concentration and productivity,
                                                                control your weight and have lower cholesterol…all of which may
                                               I can still hear   reduce your risk of heart disease.
                                               Mom reminding
                                               us to eat our    Eat your breakfast.  It’s good for you.  Thanks Mom.
                                               breakfast.  “It’s
                                               the most impor-
                                               tant meal of the
                                              Turns out, Mom
       was right…about a lot of things, actually.   Too bad I didn’t heed                                              San Diego
       her advice as I embarked on my own.  As a young woman, I’d skip                                                   Woman
       breakfast (thinking I could save the calories until later!) run on
       fumes for much of the day…then gobble up whatever crossed my
       path later.  If a bag of Oreos was handy…that would be dinner.  Big
       mistake.                                                                                                      17
       In my early 40’s, I finally woke up and “smelled the coffee!” With my
       energy low and outlook bleak, I turned to my doctor for help.  His
       advice took me back to the basics…and back to breakfast.  I started
       feeling better almost immediately!

       Mom was right. Eating breakfast not only gives me energy (duh!)
       to start the day…it helps me concentrate, gives me strength AND
       helps me maintain a healthy weight.

       How ‘bout you? If you start the day with an empty tank and wonder
       why you’re fading by 10…add breakfast to your morning routine
       and experience the difference for yourself.

       I keep it simple with bowl of whole grain cereal.  I like to mix ‘em
       up…Shredded Wheat…Raisin Bran….Kashi Go Lean Crisp and
       Barbara’s multi-grain Shredded Spoonfuls…to name a few!  To that
       I add a couple spoonfuls of ground flaxseed, some wheat germ and
       a scoop of whey protein (available at any health food store)…then
       cover it all in low-fat almond or dairy milk.
       My husband calls it ‘glop,’ but I don’t care!  Add a mug of full-bodied
       coffee and I’m ready for anything!  And even if I can’t eat right the
       rest of the day…at least I’ve got a good start.
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