Page 20 - Pat Brown (1)
P. 20

Poetry Corner                            Under the Lilac Tree

                                              By Diana Vahedi
      A Perspective of Peace                  Under the beautiful    Under the beautiful    Under the beautiful

                                              lilac tree             lilac tree             lilac tree
      By Jennifer Laurent                     Our world was pure                            We were safe and
                                              and so carefree        King David was in all   wild and free
      To fly….To soar                         Under the beautiful    his glory              Seeking happiness
      Above it all                            lilac tree             Wielding his imag-     and comfort
      So free Gliding in the wind.            Our world was any-     ined power             And a glorious es-
      In the clouds                           thing we wanted it     A jester really in a   cape from reality
      And above the world.                    to be                  child’s make believe
      Above the world.                                               story                  Under the beautiful
      Above the mess of it all                Under the beautiful                           lilac tree
      Watching as it blends together.         lilac tree             Under the beautiful    Our world was pure
      From up here can you tell it apart?     We’d sing a lovely     lilac tree             and so carefree
      Doesn’t all the world come together?    tune                   We’d giggle and        Under the beautiful
      It is one picture                       Our brother sat on     laugh and play for     lilac tree
      One picture of many images              his regal brick throne  hours                 Our world was any-
      But still……one picture.                 While my sister and    Inebriated by the      thing we wanted it
      Above it all                            I would laugh and      magnificent smell      to be
      There is freedom                        swoon                  Of those perfect lilac
      To wander and to see

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