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Letters to theEditor

     Thank you for providing an entertaining and educational magazine for   I never knew that there existed a method to get rid of my nasty
     the women of San Diego County.                          varicose veins until I read about Dr. Bunke in your magazine.  I have
     Andi  from San Diego                                    not worn shorts in years and the idea that I can fix the problem without
                                                             surgery is encouraging. Once again San Diego Woman has provided
     It was so refreshing to read the cover story about Rana Sampson. I   useful information to help make my life better.  I will be a lifelong
     was so impressed with her background and accomplishments.  Most   reader.
     touching was her desire to help the children through her work at the   Ginny from La Jolla
     San Diego Center for Children.  It is a great place and she is a great
     Cali from San Diego

     I loved learning more about our mayor’s wife.  What a wonderful lady.
     She seemed like such a great person.  It is refreshing when we are
     so used to only hearing negative comments about our politicians and
     their families.  Way to go Rana!
     Sue from Del Mar

     Thank you so much for the information on Dr. Tess.  I was amazed to
     hear of some of the new procedures that are available.  She seems
     like an innovator in her field, and I plan to pay a visit to her very soon.
     I might even be able to break out the Bikini once again.  There is Nothing Like Being a San Diego Woman!
     Carol from Mira Mesa

     I always wondered about permanent makeup and as a swimmer
  8 thought it would be the perfect answer to always looking good while   Now you can let the world know! San Diego
     in the pool.  I did wonder what you would do if you got bored with the   Woman Magazine announces our limited edition
     color.  I never knew you could blend other colors over it if needed.    "I am a San Diego Woman," t-shirt.
     Since reading your article and doing additional research, I am sold.  Visit our Website at
     Briana from UTC                                         and order your t-shirt today

     Poor Vessa, and what a loser that guy was.  That has to be one of
     the worst dates I ever heard of.  I hope she went on to find happiness.
     But then, there aren’t many worse guys.
                                                                      San Diego
     Lee Anne from Poway                                        Woman
     The article “Next Time I Want Vanilla,” was great.  Zori is such a
     wonderful Mom.  My husband and I recently found out that we cannot
     conceive and we are researching adoption options.  After reading
     her heartwarming story I am looking forward to the idea of adopting a
     child regardless of race.  The more we teach our children that we are
     all the same, the more likely that this world will become more tolerant.
     Thanks Zori, you are an inspiration.
     Lisa from Escondido

     Dr. Sudi seems to be a kind compassionate doctor.  Reading her
     column, which answers many of the questions that I’m afraid to ask
     my somewhat stodgy GYN, I feel that I am not as weird as I thought
     I was.  Now I know that it is the lack of hormones in my system that
     makes me feel like I do and I am planning to make an appointment to
     get this rectified.  I let my husband read the column and it has made
     him more understanding too, which makes me less stressed out.
     Becky from Poway

     I love Dr.Eisenberg!  My sister was diagnosed with Cancer and she
     was devastated.  Then she started seeing Dr. E and she is doing
     well physically and even better emotionally.  He is the type of Dr. we
     all need. His upbeat personality and  positive attitude make him very
     unique.  Thank you for giving my sister back to me.
     Lilly from Rancho Bernardo
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