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                                                                                         T  Lisa K Miller
       Robert Tussey        Joan Verlezza       Brian Brunkow, Esq.  Karyn Buxman        HO  Lisa is the owner of Photog-
                                                                                            raphy by Lisa K, a custom
       Robert has been a    Joan is currently a Web   Brian graduated with honors   Meet speaker, author, and   P  portrait studio located in San
       published writer for over   Content Manager at   from Seattle University and   neurohumorist Karyn Bux-  Diego, specializing in the high-
       thirty years and has been   Johns Hopkins Hospital   is a San Diego-based CA   man. While her classmates   est quality portraiture. As the
       providing editing services   in Baltimore, Maryland,   and WA attorney focused   were dissecting frogs Karyn   mother of twins, Lisa shines
       for the past twenty-five.  As   where she also writes a   on family law involving   was dissecting humor. Her   at capturing moments in
       a musician, he has written   newsletter. Warming Up   student-athletes and NCAA   mission in life is to improve                  pregnancy and early life. She
       scores of songs.  His life   is her first novel. Her work   recruiting.  A sometimes   global health & business   shares her talents with many
       has revolved around his   has been featured on   proud resident of Southern   through laughter and to   local charities
       music and writing, often   E-Zine Articles and in New   La Jolla, AKA Pacific Beach,      heal the humor impaired.
       melding the two into articles   England Poetry Anthology.   Brian also coaches youth
       and interviews.      She is a Staff Reviewer   football and writes on sports
                            at Readwave and blogs   parenting and NCAA recruit-
                            at Second Avenue Story   ing at www.ZeroOffseason.

                                                                     Jeani Zuber           Jack M. Berkman
                                                                     Jeani spent close to 30                           San Diego
       Carol LeBeau                             Laurel Lilly         years as a successful pro-  Jack is President and CEO   Woman
        Carol LeBeau spent close                Laurel graduated from   fessional in the marketing   of BERKMAN Strategic
        to 30 years as a beloved                nursing school with honors   and business development   Communications with
        fixture on San Diego News.              in 1990 while raising three   fields, which included both   nearly 40 years of practic-
        Today she is enjoying her   Debbie Storms  small children. After her   medical and private sector   ing in San Diego. He is an
        retirement, as well as a   Debbie has enjoyed many   youngest left home, she   companies. Presently re-  accredited member of the
        second career as an in de-  careers from accountant   sold everything and joined   tired she takes great plea-  Public Relations Society
        mand speaker at functions   to air traffic controller. She   a traveling nurse agency.   sure in her second career   of America and holds the
                            believes life is an adventure
        throughout San Diego. In   to be lived to its fullest.   Her first and only assign-  as a gifted free-lance writer   proud and highly coveted
        addition to her many speak-  Growing up in New Jersey,   ment was in "America’s   for several publications.   distinction of being
        ing engagements, Carol is   she learned life skills to help   finest City". So she settled   She is currently writing a   inducted as a Fellow in the
        a columnist for San Diego   her practice that credo. Her   in and went to work for   book.  Public Relations Society of
        Woman speaking about life   passion for travel has taken   Scripps Memorial Hospital.   America in 2011.
        after her news career.  her to many parts of the
                            world. She is now focusing
                            on writing about her travels
                            and interviewing entertain-
                            ers, which is a great combo!

                                                                     Eva Starr
                                                 Lauren Feiner, Psy.D.  Eva Starr’s spiritual journey   Kristine Granakaia
       Lisa Matar                                Dr. Lauren Feiner is a   has taken her coast-to-coast
       A San Diego State Univer-                 Licensed Clinical Psycholo-  digesting the various schools   Kristina has over 13 years
       sity graduate has lived in   Jaime V. Habert  gist in the greater San Diego   of thought. Starr a transplant   of experience in the fitness
       San Diego since 1997. After   Jaime is a music enthusiast   area.  from Cleveland, OH cur-  industry. She has a B.S. in
       graduating with a degree   with a passion for   She is a contract Psycholo-  rently writes for The Journey   Kinesiology.
       in Art, with an emphasis in   everything entertainment.   gist at UCSD Counseling   Magazine. When she’s not   She specializes in
       Graphic Design, she put   She holds a degree in   and Psychological Services  writing you’ll find her cooking   Metabolic Typing Advisor,
       her skills to work in the real   Business Management and   (CAPS) in addition to main-  for the homeless and the   Trigger Point Thearpy,
       estate industry. After enjoy-  is pursuing a Bachelor's   taining a private practice in   Veterans of North County.   Corrective Exercise and
       ing a successful career, she   in Music Business. Her   La Jolla, CA.  For speaking engagements   Strength and Conditioning
       retired and began fashion   interests are varied and she      contact her at evastarr24@     San Diego
       writing and blogging San   always has a story to tell. & visit her new   Woman
       Diego events. She currently   She takes every opportunity     blog starronthefly.evastarr.
       resides in Scripps Ranch   to write about the subjects        com
       with her husband and two   she loves- all while working
       young children.      in Real Estate.
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