Page 11 - Susan Taylor
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                                  Friends                                                By Joan Verlezza

        Some memories are so vivid that years later you can remember   traveling that road with me. We have recently reconnected after
        the sights, sounds and feelings as if they were happening again.   some years, and it is as if we just talked yesterday.
        On an unusually warm afternoon in November I walked home from
        Washington Elementary School with my best friend, Marcella. For   So think about the person you considered your best friend when
        some reason we had been let out early. In the fifth grade, that’s   you were growing up. Have you talked to them lately? If not, find
        usually a reason to celebrate.                         them. It’s not hard to do in this information age. Tell them how
                                                               much they meant and still mean to you. They’re part of who you
        As we walked we heard conversation among the older kids about   are.
        the reason for our early dismissal. The president
        had been shot. We weren’t sure what to make
        of it. We were growing up in uncertain times. A
        little more than a year before, we had walked
        home wondering if the Russian ships had turned
        around or if there would be a war with atomic
        weapons. On that sunny afternoon we wondered
        if the Russians had shot our president.

        We separated at the driveway that divided our
        properties, agreeing we would change (there
        were school clothes and play clothes back then)
        and meet at Marcella’s house. I can feel myself
        standing next to her, squinting at the televi-
        sion as the late afternoon sun shone through                                                                   San Diego
        the living room windows. When a picture of the                                                                   Woman
        young, handsome President appeared, the glare
        made the screen a little hard to see. I shifted my
        stance to the right a little and saw the graphic
        in the upper left hand corner: John F. Kennedy                                                               11

        “I think that means he’s dead,” I said.
        “Yes, it does,” she confirmed.

        And every November twenty-second since then,
        when the nightly news carries the inevitable
        piece about that sad anniversary, I remember
        that day. I remember standing next to my best
        friend and learning one of the most frightening
        things I would ever hear. The next three days
        are firmly etched in my mind, too. For all of us
        who lived through those days the images of
        the coffin lying in state, the widow and children
        paying their respects, the funeral, the cortège and a host of sad
        events are all a permanent part of our memories. And through it    First Day of School, 1959
        all, my best friend was there. We talked about our feelings and the
        reactions of our parents and the world. And sharing those confus-
        ing times with someone I loved and trusted made it bearable.
                                                               Joan Verlezza believes everyone has stories worth telling and she is pas-
        So it was through many years. Whenever there was something to   sionate about encouraging new writers. Warming Up is her first novel. Her
        talk about, something we struggled to understand, we handled it   work has been featured in New England Poetry Anthology. She is a Staff
                                                               Reviewer at Readwave and blogs at Second Avenue Story Club.
        together. We negotiated our way through the births and deaths in
        our families, the confusing stages of growing into women, mat-
        ters of war and peace and every big and small event in our town,
        country and the world. I want to say ‘thank you’ to Marcella for
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