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Making the Right Choice

                                          Dr. Jason R. Hess

                                                                                          By: Amy-Marie Cook
                                                                                       Photos courtesy of Dr J. Hess

     Every day thousands of women look at themselves in the mirror   mouth may be treated simply with fillers. Furrows on the brow may
     and wonder where all the years have gone. For some, the aging   respond to Botox. A sagging neck may require a neck lift alone.
     process has been kind and gentle. Others wear the years quite vis-   When tissue of both the face and neck demonstrate laxity and
     ibly. They are convinced by the empty promises of over the counter   sagging, however, a facelift may be the best option. In particu-
     products, quick fixes, and “lunchtime lifts.”           lar, facelift surgery is effective in restoring mid-face volume and
                                                             minimizing unsightly jowling as well as the dreaded “turkey neck”
     However, many realize that there is no miracle potion.  When all   appearance that comes with age.
     else fails, some consider plastic surgery.  This option is an excit-
     ing one, but women often spend far more time deciding to do the   About her surgical experience, Mrs. Meyers concluded, “Dr. Hess's
     surgery, and very little time choosing their surgeon.  This lack of   work is more natural looking. He took a lot of time with me before
     research can often be seen on the faces of our favorite former   and after the surgery. The care I got from Dr. Hess and his staff
     celebrities.                                            was first class.”
     Finding a qualified plastic surgeon with the proper credentials is   Dr. Hess’ office is located at 4060 Fourth Ave., Suite 120. San
     critical. Dr. Jason R. Hess specializes in aesthetic and reconstruc-  Diego, California. He can be reached at (619) 357-4552
     tive plastic surgery in San Diego. He is Board Certified by the
     American Board of Plastic Surgery, the only board for certifying
     plastic surgeons. Dr. Hess specializes in the most difficult of plastic
     surgical procedures including facelift, tummy tuck and Rhinoplasty.
     His patients and peers respect him for his meticulous attention to
     detail and his compassionate approach to patient care.

     “It is clear he cares about his patients and strives for excellence
     in his profession. It's a pity more doctors do not demonstrate Dr.
     Hess' humanity and kindness. Having plastic surgery has had a
     powerful effect on the way I view myself, not just physically but
     emotionally too,” remarked Vanessa Feistel Meyers, a plastic
     surgery patient.

     His patient explains that she chose Dr. Hess because her friend
     had excellent results from her surgery. “ I don't think most people
     realize what an effect a positive plastic surgery experience has
     on a person; the results are not only incredible, they’re life alter-
     ing. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for Dr. Hess,” the
     woman added.

     According to Dr. Hess, “Our face is our most unique and powerful
     means of communicating with one another.  We share our emo-
     tions and feelings quite visibly.  An aged and fatigued appearance
     can affect our relationships as well as our perceptions of ourselves.

     He explained that not all facial aging is treated with facelift surgery.
     Plastic surgery results are the most ideal when approached on a
     least invasive to most invasive basis. That is, wrinkles around the
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