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Huey graduated a year early from high school, at age seventeen,   soul of the band. Starting in the late1980’s they donated hun-
       because he skipped second grade. He claims it was because   dreds of thousands of dollars to fund a program to train doctors
       he was “great at sandbox.” His Dad advised him to travel after   to deal with aids patients through the University of California-San
       graduating.  Taking his Dad’s advice, he hitch-hiked across   Francisco. Over the years they have played to sold out crowds to
       Europe and all the way he played his harmonica. This was the   raise funds to support crucial education and mentoring programs
       beginning of being paid for what he knew was his passion. Once   for at-risk-youth, pediatric cancer patients and many others who
       he returned home, he was accepted at Cornell University in New   need help from coast to coast. Huey is a longtime supporter of
       York State and, as he says, “I attended Cornell for five minutes   Bread & Roses and continues today through his music and his
       in a two year period.”  So, the engineering department lost a   great golfing skills, playing celebrity benefit tournaments world-
       student and we gained three plus decades of Huey Lewis and   wide, to raise money for worthy causes.
       The News. We win! While at Cornell, he formed his first band
       and covered the top 40 songs on FM radio. His passion for music   Huey does not fall short on talent. He has stretched his creative
       comes through when he quips, “I like listening to certain music   self when he starred in the Broadway show “Chicago” as the
       but all music is fun to play.”                         rapscallion lawyer Billy Flynn.  He also appeared in the television

                                                                                                                       San Diego  Woman


       The music business has gone through many changes in the last   series, “Just Shoot Me”, “One Tree Hill” and movies “Sphere”,
       30 years but Huey and The News feel their timing was good.   “Shadow of a Doubt”, “Duets” and Robert Altman‘s “Short Cuts.”
       Their experience, as Huey says, “We went from obscurity to   This is just a snapshot of the man behind the music and how
       number one and that only happens once and it’s like a rocket   he has brought his talent and smoky bluesy voice to us. He just
       ship ride and then life is different.”  The band has been known   keeps getting better.
       over the years to satisfy loyal fans and young converts alike
       with their full-tilt musical shows. I asked him about the success
       they have enjoyed and how their music has a life of its own.   Huey Lewis and The News recently performed at Pechanga
       Huey spoke confidently about making choices that speak to him   Resort and Casino. Visit their site at http://www.hueylewisandthe-
       creatively. “Ultimately you stay in the business to play music but for upcoming performance dates.
       you also have to be a good businessperson. There is the band,
       including four founding members, and then thirty plus people that
       have bills to pay. In the long run, they have economic consider-
       ations and they meet them by playing music.”
       Generosity and giving back has played a role in the heart and
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