Page 21 - Susan Taylor
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Revolutionary New

                                                                   Product That Makes

                                                                   Smoking Healthy

                                                                                                 By Judith A. Habert
                                                                                              Photo by Lisa K Miller

       Leave it to two local women from San Diego to not only revolutionize smok-  when you take into account that about 43.8 million (or one in every 5)
       ing, but to create a product, which has also found a foothold in the current   adults in the United States smoke.  Many wish to quit and rely on e-cig-
       Marijuana legalization debates.                         arettes to help them do so.  These e-Cigarettes are designed to look like
                                                               “real” cigarettes and mimic the smoking experience, while delivering the   San Diego
       How can this be, you may ask?  Katarina Maloney and Janell Thompson,   nicotine that smokers crave, but without the cancer-causing tar in regular   Woman
       former roommates in San Diego, embarked on a new business venture and   cigarettes. Hookahzz most popular product are disposal electronic water-
       created Hookahzz, an e-cigarette company who actually cares about your   vapor-emitting devices that are great tasting and a smoke and tobacco-free
       health-                                                 alternative to cigarettes.
       The New craze for electronic cigarettes is popping up everywhere.  We   When you consider that cigarette tobacco contains over 6000 chemicals,
       see them in kiosks in the mall and on infomercials on TV, but Katarina and   many of which are known carcinogens including acetone (finger nail polish),
       Janell decided to take it one step further with their groundbreaking product.    cadmium (used in batteries), carbon monoxide (car exhaust) and arsenic(
                                                               poison), you have to wonder why anyone would put their health at risk to
       In the midst of the major marijuana controversy going on across the coun-  smoke tobacco.  Unfortunately, many people do not have the willpower or
       try, Hookahzz decide to introduce a groundbreaking product that is only   the desire to give up their unhealthy obsession. Katarina explains, “Our
       available through their company.  Janell explains, “Cannabidiol (CBD) is   product is very different than cigarettes. Our e-cigarette utilizes vegetable
       one of the two key ingredients in hemp products.  The other is THC.  The   nicotine, eliminating the harmful toxins, smoke, ash and unpleasant odor
       first element CBD is referred to as the good element since it provides all   associated with traditional cigarettes. Our products create pure vapor
       of the medicinal benefits without any of the mood or mind altering charac-  (steam, condensation, and moisture) not actual smoke.  This means that
       teristics.  The second element, THC, is the component responsible for the”   those around you do not have to fear the consequences of second hand
       high” smokers feel.  So we developed a product which includes e-cigarettes   smoke.”
       and e-Liquids which are infused with CBD only.  Providing the user with
       only the medicinally beneficial element of the hemp plant. This has never   Hookahzz, LLC e-cigs and e-liquids can be purchased either nicotine free
       been done before.  We are the only e-cigarette company that has a CBD   or with varying levels of nicotine.  One of the unique aspects of the prod-
       infused product”                                        ucts offered by Hookahzz is that it can also be used to help smokers quit
                                                               their tobacco habit.  Katarina explained, “If you’re trying to stop smoking,
       CBD has been found to be effective as a pain reliever, anti-nausea, anti-  we also offer several levels from 24mg of vegetable nicotine to 0mg. You
       inflammatory, and anti- anxiety element.  It has also been found to help   can start with 24mg and lower your dosage each month until you realize
       control blood sugar levels, reduce seizures, ease symptoms of PTSD, and   you are smoking a nicotine free product, which pretty much means you did
       promotes bone growth. Most exciting of all has been the recent success   beat the habit” This is one of the many reasons that, according to Business
       achieved for cancer patients.  It has been found to actually inhibit cancer   Week, the e-cigarette industry is expected to top $1 billion in annual sales
       cell growth. All of this without producing the typical “high” associated with   in the next few years.
       cannabis. Few people are aware of this, but CBD is not an illegal sub-
       stance and under US law it’s considered a nutritional supplement.”  So whether you are looking for relief from a myriad of health issues, which
                                                               CBD can provide or are a smoker who has finally decided that it is time to
       Their CBD infused e-cigarettes and CBD infused liquids were so popular   quit Janell and Katarina company Hookahzz can provide the solution.
       that they were asked to participate in the Oscar’s $85,000 Swag Bag and
       have since received emails from a few celebrities for additional product   For more information, and to purchase these unique products visit
       information                                             their site at or call 1-800-823-2804 or email:
       The original reason for the creation of e-cigarettes was to help end the or FB:
       habit of smoking.  So it is understandable that they would be so popular   hookahzz
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