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The Black List. Coaches talk. Coaches communicate with each   the bad news.  The worse news is that these academic require-
       other and keep the toxic parents on radar.  The coaching fraternity/  ments, amateurism standards, and recruiting restrictions start the
       sorority runs from the introductory level up to high school varsity.    freshman year of high school - so study up on the byzantine world
       And then from varsity coaches to college recruiters.  According to   of NCAA compliance before high school starts.
       the NCAA, only 3% of high school athletes earn an athletic scholar-  The good news, however, is that the NCAA provides several free
        ship - so if your child is in the rare position of being recruited, you’ll   resources for parents.  Considering bookmarking these websites:
        want to stay off the “black list.”    Recently, a New Jersey sports
        dad sued his son’s high school track coach and school for $40M   NCAA Recruiting Guidance:
        after his son was cut for excessive unexcused absences.  What   NCAA Compliance Bylaws:
        college coach wants to deal with that family for the next four years?  National Letter of Intent and Scholarships:
        It’s simple - if a high school coach has five kids from his or her   NCAA Academic “Core Course”
        team getting recruited, and a certain parent did nothing but cre-  Requirements:
       ate conflict, that coach won’t see the problem parent as a priority
       - don’t let parental bad behavior or ego cost a student-athlete a   Lastly, have fun!  Roughly 70% of kids quit youth sports by age
       scholarship opportunity.                                 13.   And a recent survey by 1-9 Sports showed that 76% of work-
       Recruiting.  What’s the difference between a “quiet period” and   ing moms were glad when the season finally ended.  No bueno.
       a “dead period” in the recruiting calendar?  Is a homesick college   Something needs to change if the majority of kids and moms are
       freshman penalized for dropping out after signing a binding letter   not enjoying youth sports.  Develop a game plan that works for
       of intent?  Can a free taco lunch with a sports agent wreck a kid’s   your family.  Youth sports shouldn’t be a chore; it should be fun.  It
       future?                                                  is a game after all.
       The NCAA Division 1 Manual is a brain-charring “read” that weighs
       in at a robust 432 pages of rules, exceptions to the rules, and   Brian Brunkow is a San Diego-based attorney and consults on
       exclusions to the exceptions…to the rules.  And no pictures.  That’s   NCAA recruiting.

                                                                                                                       San Diego  Woman

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