Page 26 - Susan Taylor
P. 26

The Road to Cali

                                         By Eva Starr

      The day had come: December 4th, 2007 Cleveland, Ohio, to say   overcome with fear, and my anxiety level was off the charts. Dear
      good-bye to the life I had known. Nothing but sunny skies and   God where is Aunt Bee?
      ocean breezes and full steam ahead as I headed for San Diego
      driving my Nissan with bits and pieces of my life - leaving every-  What was happening to me? I am a pioneer, a leader, "Danger?
      thing else behind.                                     I laugh in the face of danger! Ha! Ha! Ha-ha!" What happened to
                                                             the young Simba I once was? I traced my steps back to the motel,
      My travel plan was to drive                                                      and asked for directions again. I
      south, cut across Indiana,                                                       found the liquor store, grabbed
      Illinois, and St. Louis and                                                      the only bottle of wine I saw
      then start heading west to                                                       decent enough to drink, wiped off
      Taos, New Mexico, hoping to                                                      the mound of dust and headed
      swing by the Grand Canyon,                                                       back to the motel.
      and see Sedona …WRONG!
      Never having traveled cross                                                      I went to the front desk and
      country before I thought I’d                                                     asked for a wine opener. A motel
      stay in these little neighbor-                                                   without a corkscrew! I headed
      hood towns where there was                                                       back to my room and started to
      an Aunt Bee who’d put me                                                         cry - why wasn’t I prepared? I ran
      up for the night, feed me,                                                       a bath and called my step-mom.
      and then I’d write about my                                                      I sobbed as I stared at the bottle
      journey.                                                                         of wine and cried “Sally I can’t
                                                                                       do this, I’m scared, all alone, and
      First stop Greensville, Illinois,                                                the weather is horrendous, also
      where I stayed in a dive truck-                                                  I found out I’m petrified of semi’s
      er motel ending up in ER the                                                     and the mountains!”
      next morning with a severely
      infected ingrown toenail the                                                     Her soft voice and calming
 26   size of a golf ball. As I sat on                                                 manner tried to sooth my sobs
                                                                                       “Yes, you can do this. I know you
      the gurney sobbing, I won-
      dered if I’d made a mistake.                                                     can, you’re strong, courageous
      The doctor didn’t know the                                                       and adventurous.” Her faith in
      first thing about feet and sent                                                  me was unwavering, it was the
      me off with antibiotics and                                                      thought of turning around and
      painkillers, telling me to look                                                  going back that kept me moving
      up a podiatrist in California.                                                   forward.
      Where is Aunt Bee?
                                                                                       I cried myself to sleep; morn-
      I arrived in St. Louis about the                                                 ing came quickly. The weather
      same time the first bout of ice                                                  channel stated the ice storm had
      storms hit the Mid-West:  Not                                                    hit Kansas and was heading my
      knowing which terrified me                                                       way; I needed to head for Okla-
      more - traveling through the                                                     homa as quickly as possible. My
      Ozarks, or side-by-side with                                                     plans for Taos had since dimin-
      every eighteen-wheeler in                                                        ished, they had their own bout
      the country. The people from                                                     with Father Winter and I didn’t
      these parts call the Ozarks                                                      want any part of the snow, nor the
      ‘foothills’, that’s when I realized this little Ohioan had no idea what   mountains. Heading toward Oklahoma I made it as far as Elk City,
      a mountain was. It was getting darker, the storm worsened, the   where I was stranded for three days with ice storm number two.
      truckers got closer, and my handprint was etched in the leather of
      the steering wheel.                                    The days went on; I changed my route and headed toward Ro-
                                                             swell, NM, hoping I’d get abducted by strange-looking green men
      “Gladys, (the name I gave my GPS) get me out of this mess, and   who would take me to their leader. As the story goes that didn’t
      to the nearest exit!” I pulled off the road to another motel with a   happen. I finally made it, eleven days, nine motels, three thou-
      restaurant attached, looking a little less sleazy than the last one. I   sand miles and here I was in San Diego. It’s now been six plus
      checked in, grabbed a burger, and ordered a glass of wine. “What   years and Aunt Bee never did show up, but what a journey!
      do you mean you don’t serve alcohol?” The waitress pointed yon-
      der and said there was a liquor store just down the road.   Eva Starr’s spiritual journey has taken her coast-to-coast digesting the
                                                             various schools of thought. Starr a transplant from Cleveland, OH cur-
      I finished my burger and headed out. This can’t be happening (I   rently writes for The Journey Magazine. When she’s not writing you’ll
      thought), not only was I lost, but also the road had ended. There   find her cooking for the homeless and the Veterans of North County. For
      wasn’t a light, a house, or a human in sight. My mind raced back   speaking engagements contact her at & visit her
                                                             new blog
      to scenes from Deliverance.  The night was black as coal, I was
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