Page 30 - Susan Taylor
P. 30

Transitions with Carol LeBeau

                                           Loren Nancarrow   When the night
                                           is gone.  It’s still   ended, Loren
                                           hard to believe.    was still gone, but
                                           After bravely bat-  thanks to Jody’s
                                           tling brain cancer,   warmth and hos-
                                           my friend and for-  pitality, we’d been
                                           mer TV colleague   given the gift of
                                           passed away in    a little more time
                                           December at the   together to mourn
                                           age of 60.        and celebrate our
                                           We’ll never       friend…providing
                                           know- this side of   closure for the
                                           eternity- why Loren   gaping hole in our
                                           was taken from    collective heart.
                                           his family, friends   Please keep Loren’s remarkable family in your thoughts and
                                           and thousands of   prayers.  Those of us who knew and loved Loren have lost a
                                           fans in the prime   friend…but Susie, Hannah, Graham and Britta have lost their
                                           of life.  It’s just not   husband, dad and hero.
                                           fair.  But from the   May God richly bless them and give them comfort in their grief
                                           moment Loren
                                           received his grim
     diagnosis, he decided not to waste a moment pondering “why
     “The doctors tell me I have between one and three years to live,”
 30  Loren wrote in his blog shortly after his diagnosis.  “So, boo-hoo,
     poor me.”
     Then, with grace, class and his signature sense of humor, Loren
     showed the rest of us how to live to the max and die with dignity…
     living each day with a grateful heart and a hopeful spirit.
     Loren only got ten more months…but he filled his final days with
     fun, family and a sense of purpose—using his health challenges
     and high profile to help others with cancer and inspire thousands   Donations are being accepted for the
     through his touching blogs.
     Nowhere was that inspiration more evident than at Loren’s cel-  Loren Nancarrow Healing Garden. So
     ebration of life service at Cardiff Beach.  More than a thousand of   far $250,000 has been raised. A goal of
     us laughed, cried and comforted one another as paddlers formed   $500,000 is needed to name the entire
     a circle beyond the breakers and floated flowers in Loren’s honor.    garden after Loren. This will help fund
     Many believe it was Loren himself who ordered the spectacular
     sunset that signaled his final goodbye.                        patient services, which honors Loren's
     As the crowd dispersed, my media pals and I remained on the     wish to help as many cancer patients
     darkening beach.  The memorial was over, but we weren’t ready   as possible. It also honors his legacy
     to leave, that’s when Jody Hammond, former News 8 reporter and   and all that he gave to San Diego in
     friend to Loren got an idea.  She invited any of us who could to an       the past 30 years.
     impromptu gathering at her home to talk about and toast our TV
     colleague.                                                       You can join in this effort by visiting
     For hours, fifteen of us…all Loren’s co-workers over the years…    this site and making a donation.
     reminisced about our dear friend.   We represented several local
     TV stations…Jim Laslavic from 7/39, Liz Purcell from News 8.
     Photojournalist Mike Ineman, producer Janine Nakama and yours
     truly were part of the 10 News contingent.
      But that night—standing around Jody’s kitchen island—we may
     as well have been from the same station.  No matter where he
     had worked, or with whom, Loren was loved.  Through laughter
     and tears, we shared countless touching and hilarious remem-
     brances about the guy who transformed his home into a “ranch,”
     from which he would report on every fruit, vegetable, herb and
     critter known to man…a guy completely unafraid to dig deep into a
     heap of compost or a heap of political controversy …the guy who
     insisted on calling me “Clara Bow,” despite years of protestations.
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